MovieChat Forums > Chinakaka

Chinakaka (8)


Watching movies at home or in the cinema? View all posts >


Yeah I like home more,it's better if only I can have a big screen to my favorites~ Aboselutely not,I'm not even in English countries,you're saying my words look like another gril who has been seen as 'having-some-problem'? Hahahaha let us see who can get through the most oppressive movie in the world... Sounds new and I imagine that would be cosy to have a laptop in front of me when I lie down nicely on a pool,how did you find this way hahahaha... Ah,nobody plays with me... That boy in AI.Everytime he cries,I cry. Brokeback Mountain,I think,cause that afternoon when I finished watching this movie,suddenly I don't know what to say,there's just something in your heart that punch you and sting you in a hurting way,and then I cried for maybe half any hour.And the most amazing thing that I think this movie has is that even after one or two years and a lot of romantic moive I've later touched,this one is always a piece of master that not even one movie can be compared to it at least in my movie journy which is not very long,every time when any fame of music pieces of this movie come up to my mind,I feel a very little but obvious hurt deep down my mind,it's like this movie live in my heart,so that I'll always cry for it.Just said too much...In a word,I love it the best. View all replies >