GrilliWilly's Replies

Even my SO who doesn't like superhero movies and was trying to avoid WW, really really liked it and now she wants to watch first WW A powerful motion picture. Those who have never experienced rural life with people whose lives are a constant dumpster fire may think the story is exaggerated. But I say it’s it. This was not my upbringing, but I knew these people. There was a tear in my eye by the end. I’m glad Me Vance’s family came out alright. Most don’t. Glenn close’s performance (as always) is out of this world. The mannerisms, facial expressions, physical movements are so on point. One of the most convincing characters in the film How the f*** you see conservatives here? Dude you need to get out of your bubble and back to the world. Damn conspiracy theorists have gotten really bad recent years It's an awesome movie, hate could be because it has a lot of controversies: but why bring up superhero movies? weird Glenn Close was awesome! Not just "okay". <blockquote>Mamaw: Now get out before I cancel your birth certificate.</blockquote> Link to video: Critics weren't the only ones who liked it! 8.1 on IMDB rated by people -> My gf who doesn't want to watch animations with me, absolutely LOVE IT! So did I. Very heartwarming for a kid he was pretty okay IMO Luckily he didn't get that much screen-time Slava Bogu! Ending for second season sucked, but lets hope it will improve It always depends on who is the leader Originally GrilledAvocado, but willy sounds nicer :D can't beat it :D 10/10 Friends used to be my go to series. Now it's South Park or Rick&Morty probably, but it works pretty good. I'm not religious and rarely pay attention what popes do, but hes the first one(way before the movie). Christianity is about reform and keeping up with the times(most religious are, except Islam) and this movies shows it very well. Until the very end, I was waiting for Marta to revile herself like in "The Usual Suspects". Her 'ability' to puke when lying sounded so convenient to hide behind innocent good girl. Dunno about SW, haven't seen most of them. Meh for me. Don't know any series that came back for a long time, under a new director/writer and made even better comeback. It's always going to be different than before. People are older, things have evolved, nothing is the same. Too much memberberries IMHO. As about Knives Out, I really enjoyed it. I wouldn't give that big rating as a whole, but good actors make such a high rating, which is justified; with shitty actors and mediocre plot, it would be that successful. "troll-targeted movies" Wut? Please elaborate :) Aftermath would be huge. Everybody claiming to be the author of songs. I liked the weird Texas accent. Very comedic Speech was pretty good too shitty move to promote your website, but it looks nice at least (Y)