Killermueck's Replies

I also get strong closet vibes from this This post aged badly. Russia is a terrorist state. kys Kill yourself Well he wasn't in his best state mentally and he had bad influences around him when he made these decisions. And while I don't like this move and think it was heavily influenced by courtney he more or less was nirvana. He wrote the music, lyrics, did the artworks, storyboards for the videos, sang. So its kinda justified. Meds Take your Z-propaganda elsewhere Igor! Storm-Z should be mandatory for warmongers like him Z-Tards gtfo These forums are mainly inhabitated by IQ89 magatards. I thought they were funny. I also think that in reality all those historical figures weren't like hollywood action movie stars but if you would see them today they would seem ridiculous. Yeah, its crazy how this over 50 yo movie blows many more modern gender bender movies out of the water in the believability of the transformation. Who cares? Its a cringr petrolhead wankfest anyway. lole take your looney pills There are rumors that she might be transgender so it might be more spicy for chuds to seethe. kys Adonis? Lol. He takes prophecia for yeary. Hencd why he has big butt. Bidon bad drumpf gud!!! What characteristics do you mean specifically and how relevant are they in comparison to chromosomes in daily life?