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smidge (3)



I know this is an old post, but my theory is that this allowed for the visual effect during the later shower scene at home of the blood on the floor of the shower going down the drain. The camera seemed to linger on that for a bit. LOL about Cliff ;) And agreed on the increasing campiness of the show as the seasons went on. I'm not sure how much Andy Griffith was like Ben Matlock in real life, but if he was, I'd have loved to have known him. :) Hi Melmel, I realize it's been awhile since the last post on this topic, but I wanted to reach out as another Matlock fan. I love most of the characters and the writing. My dad really enjoyed the show, so I think there's a bit of nostalgia there for me as well. In terms of Matlock's female associates, I like the characters Charlene, Michelle and Leanne, and probably in that order. I also like both Tyler and Conrad, but for different reasons. Tyler's character was funny, but Conrad was easier on the eye. :) I found it amusing that both Tyler and Conrad drove red sportscars as PI's. I'm sure the writers did that to add some pizazz to the show, but I would think in real life that a PI would drive a non-descript vehicle in a color that would blend in with the environment a bit more. I don't care as much for the character of Cliff Lewis (seasons 7-9). He just seemed wimpy to me. The actor Daniel Roebuck had appeared in a few episodes in earlier seasons, and it was cool to see how much weight he had taken off by the time he was a regular in season 7. Although it was neat to see Andy Griffith and Don Knotts reunited in a few episodes of the series, I wasn't crazy about the episodes with Knotts' character Les Calhoun, or about the ones with Billy Lewis or Matlock's housekeeper Mrs. McCardle. It seemed that the writers were perhaps looking for these characters to bring some comic relief, but I found myself hoping for their scenes to be over. :) I loved Julie March's character and the chemistry between her and Matlock. It seemed very genuine. I especially enjoy the 2-part episodes because of the deeper story lines they can pursue. I'll give thought to favorite episodes... :) View all replies >