FilmCricket's Replies

Also, he uses the royale with cheese reference that he’d heard earlier from Vince, so the ‘my girlfriend’s a vegetarian’ thing was probably also just something he’d heard someone else say and decided to use. And during the diner robbery, he says he never really thought about the meaning of the Ezikiel quote he uses (and embellishes), he just thought it sounded good. All of which suggests he says things primarily for dramatic effect rather than because they’re true or accurate. I’d have thought that was something Marcellus would have been careful to keep quiet. Though perhaps Vince guessed what was being planned when he saw Butch talking to Marcellus. I think he did it outside the bar when he left, as he was angry. And he probably wanted Vince to know it was him as Vince had insulted him. He presumably didn’t expect to see Vince ever again to confront him personally, so went ahead and keyed the car instead. Agreed. I don’t think they’d met before, as Butch doesn’t seem to recognise Vince. Vince recognised Butch presumably because Butch is a well-known boxer. As for why Vince disliked Butch, I’ve asked about that in another thread. I think Vince doesn’t tell Lance specifically who (he suspects) did it because that’s not really important to Vince’s story. But Butch didn’t end up taking the fall like he was supposed to, and anyway that encounter happened before the bout took place. Unless Vince knew about the plan in advance, but that seems unlikely. I don’t think Butch had ever seen Vince before that encounter. I think Butch knew which car it was just because the bartender’s car would presumably already have been there when Butch arrived, but Vince’s wouldn’t, so Butch could tell which was Vince’s. I always assumed it was Butch who did it. It looks like Butch is about to escalate the confrontation in the bar, but Marcellus calls Vince away, leaving Butch fuming; so unable to do anything to Vince, he opts for the next ‘best’ thing. As for how Butch knew which car was Vince’s - there didn’t seem to be anyone else at the bar, so presumably Butch just keyed the car that hadn’t been outside when he arrived earlier, deducing that must be Vince’s. No, I don’t think he did. Before they go into the apartment, he says to Vince “let’s get in character”, suggesting he’s playing a role rather than telling the truth. Also, he never mentions a girlfriend before or after, even when he announces his plan to leave and “walk the earth”. Buddy Holly wasn’t overcharging, the restaurant he worked at was (arguably). The sci-if reference was to illustrate that something doesn’t have to be realistic to be enjoyable. This movie is perhaps more akin to, say, Home Alone - set in the real world but full of outlandish slapstick events that could/would never really happen. The silliness is just part of the fun, and there wouldn’t be much of a movie without it. Asking the audience for a suspension of disbelief for the sake of comedy isn’t insulting anyone’s intelligence. Any more than making a sci-fi or horror movie is. We all know it’s not real, it’s obviously not meant to be serious or realistic, pretty much nothing in the movie could actually happen in the real world. Interesting observation! It also turned out to be prophetic when Frank told Tony that he’ll someday have the problem of ‘what to do with all the <beep> cash’ — it was while laundering his cash that Tony was busted by the undercover cop. I think Omar immediately saw Tony as a threat. When Omar offered them the unloading job, Tony quickly pointed out that he was trying to underpay them; this showed that Tony knew his stuff and wasn’t afraid to stand up for himself. And Omar’s fear proved well-founded, as Tony quickly became Frank’s new favourite (for a while at least). As for how a set-up would have worked, Omar would probably have gone behind Frank’s back and told Hector that if he killed Tony, he could keep the money and the drugs with no reprisals, something like that. I just can’t really imagine a little league game going on till 3am. And I’d expect the coach to either call straight away, or wait till the next day. But yeah, Frank probably called him. Fair point, I guess Frank could have called the coach and not the other way round. $50 was for the tyre, I don’t think we’re told how much the windscreen was.