MovieChat Forums > FilmBoy

FilmBoy (1085)


The screwup brother is WAAAAYYY too annoying He's come a long way since the TV Show 'REAL PEOPLE' - his net worth = $800 million Stunt fighters were quite bad I wish McGregor did the 'arm swinging' walk. It would have added to his STRUT I had no idea this was filmed in 3D A different character perspective - from the guy at the Gas Station Part One was boring AF - why would I see this? Amazing new footage Not bad - I've seen worse What does your c*nt taste like? HEAVEN View all posts >


...and I liked it tooooooo Ya, she's like a kid playing dressup. ...said Kelly LeBrock. Definitely MEH for me. HAHA I misread it and thought you meant your Bday lasted 40 seconds. Especially someone like this - not even a Movie personality, on a movie/tv board. Get a life please - and STOP posting these BDAY posts! That 'bridge truck speeding up to hit him' scene look like stop-motion from an old Godzilla movie. Quite bad. Yep - Tobey and Kirsten flashback. I did laugh at the end of that scene tho when SM is pulled into the elevator shaft, they all move away, but the teacher says a half-hearted 'Thanks' Like no-one really cared if he was OK or not. Ya it's like the media told us that she is one of the HOTTEST LOOKING ACTORS and we were all supposed to believe it, and many do. I'm not seeing it. View all replies >