MovieChat Forums > Superherocrazed

Superherocrazed (27)



Where did I say that? Way to prove my point. No thing is it gets old when people think their opinion is law. According to you haters anyone who likes the Disney Star Wars films can not have intelligence. No one is allowed to have a view on them except you. BS! You still would have! Nope you are a deluded person who can't take an opposing view. Um yeah no there are plenty of Mary Sue James Bonds. You by your own admission never read the novels. Nope I just played your game and beat you at it. It is quite obvious you know nothing about films. Reported for what? Disagreeing with you? Kind of like the baseless accusation that I made an argument for Rey? Cars I think is absolute trash. You are making the very argument I csaid was stupid. You speak the language of every Disney Star Wars hater out there. Therefore I will project exactly like you did. Since you sound just like them you dislike Disney. ALso most Marvel movies are bland as well no surprise you like them. Do I need to hold your hand? Hitler once spared a commanding officer which was Jewish. I guess that means he was not racist... A claim with actual truth and facts unlike yours. If your evidence is so solid why have I dismantled it so easily? On your lies. You said I mad an argument for Rey. I gave you the chance to prove it and you failed. Nope not at all. Keep deluding yourself. Thus proving my point they can still be sexist. Your concession is noted. They can also dislike an individual for sexist reasons. No it does not. It is a simple question. If what you said was true why did I not dispute Ace_Spade's points? You have no retort to that. You are wrong here and you know it. No you twisted them and I saw through your game. It is why now you assume I made an argument. I then ask you to prove it and you can't. I provided a contradiction myself just by going through your chat history. I even quoted it and gave you a link. Baseless assumptions are logical fallacies. You projected your past experience with others onto me. I read quite a bit. Therefore I figured I would do some digging. I could show you another post you made which was foolish but I figure I will spare you the torment. The fact that I made an argument for Rey. I asked a question, I made no argument that is a baseless assumption. If I am ignorant of this that would mean you are wrong. Which would also make you an idiot! Going by your ego though you are going to assume I am not because you do not want to look stupid. You went in on attack mode therefore only fitting you be called out on your behavior. When someone displays disgusting behavior I call them out on it. Annoying when someone won't answer a question directly huh? I was simply giving you a taste of your own medicine. Yes it was. You missed the point. If someone is part of the KKK and kills black people but then secretly has a black friend would they still be racist? I am referring to the novels not the films. I made no argument I asked a question. Asking a question is not making an argument it is asking a question. Nope I believe the fact that she has no redeeming charming qualities is why she gets hate. Nope I asked Ace_Spade and he answered it maturely unlike you. Learn from him. He makes far better points than you do. No I give people the benefit of the doubt. You said you are less fogiving, you meant to say I am more ignorant. Fixed that for you. Oh I know for a fact you would be hilarious to discuss politics with. Your baseless assumptions would make you look even more foolish than you have displayed here. Depends on which Bond you are referring to. It was a random question. It is a relevant point. Many times when someone wants to make a racist comment but not be labeled racist they will do things like that. They will say I am not racist I have black friends then proceed to say something racist against that particular race. I said someone can be sexist while still liking certain female action heroes from the past. I did not say just because you dislike them that makes you sexist. Nice attempt at twisting my words here. Um yeah nope. It is your right to be wrong though. Nope I used to be on imdb years ago and heard this was the new spot to discuss films. I would say he does. You ever read any of the novels? I was showcasing that calling you cookie cutter is the same as you projecting me to be a Rey defender. Let me state it again I do not like Rey. This is why I find this so stupid. I was not disingenuous. All you had to do was answer the question like Ace_Spade. Instead you chose the rude way to respond. My response to Ace_Spade undermines your point. Notice I have no issue with him. Point debunked. This makes your argument fall apart. Bond is more known. Why didn't you just respond like Ace_Spade hmm? I know the answer because you an insecure person. Nope I was wondering why Rey gets hate where as Bond does not. I never said she should not. If I did go ahead and provide that proof. I have given you several chances to prove where I said Rey should not get hate because Bond does not. You can't do it lol. I was simply wondering why. Nope that is also disingenuous. You missed my point about race huh? If someone is part of the KKK and kills black people in their spare time, then when confronted says I am not racist I have black friends... It is a good mask you can use but someone can still be sexist while liking female action heroes from the past. I am not saying you are but in the end your reasoning is poor. No it is not. It is based on assumptions. You do not even know a thing about cinematography. View all replies >