WritingDoktorr's Replies

This motherfucker is motherfucking correct. There's motherfucking way too much cussing in this motherfucking film. You got it! Thanks for the heads up. Almost watched it. Their electric bill was running high so they had to do something about it. Or if they would have always made him look like he was underwater through textural effects...that would have been creepy. Yeah..this is sort of the entire point of the film. It begs the question...is Prot a coping mechanism, or is he actually an alien? There is a rare condition which allows a human to see UV light, called aphakia. Nah...there is a rare condition which allows this, called aphakia: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20150727-what-are-the-limits-of-human-vision LMAO. Well put. 50% of horror film trailers claim to be "the biggest thing since x". Did you end up seeing it? As I always say to fellow moviechatters, if you're butthurt over the character not being "redeemable", limit yourself to disney movies. Biggest criticism...make the final action sequence(s) feel less like a video game. Way too much repetition/collateral for me. Not even. It's simpler than that. LOL you're funny. She's a journalist...so she investigated her own case and pieced together what happened from outside of herself. I started suspecting it early on by the way she looked at other characters and expressed her emotion. It was similar to Morgan. It's made clear by the end of the film that Lee is actually the higher version. If you look at the entire family, she was the only one who, for the most part, took the blame for every wrongdoing. She was "pure", so to speak. This made her different from the rest of her family, and in my eyes is connected to her path as a witch. 1. Fletcher may have taken some sort of pleasure emotionally abusing young adults, but from the conversation at the restaurant with Andrew, he seems to truly believe he is teaching the best way possible so his students can excel as much as possible. . 2. Fletcher was happy in the end because nothing phased Nieman in the end. He didn't walk away or get discouraged, which is the sign of a true artist, one of the greats. Fletcher felt like he accomplished what he set out to do...breaking down an amateur so they strive to become the best of the best. If you believe protagonists need to be likeable, than limit yourself to disney movies. Okay.