Lovelygirl's Replies

Give him a solo Psych movie! Not at all! Not even after he was brutally beaten to his enemies could disfiguring his handsome face! They are forced him to wear a baseball cap to be balded! Twisted his arm to accept those horrible roles? Because he dare being proud of himself and his good lock? He had every right to feel this way. That's wasn't a crime what they did to him is! Pathetic monsters! This shouldn't remain unpunished! Mill, Loree Rodkin, Winona, Cage, Lisa Marie Kubikoff, Brad Wayman, Cary Woods, Michael Rapaport, Dhani Harrison, Olivia Harrison, Gary Oldman they all should be punished. Let it happen! Nope, he deserves so much better!!! Cast this man as James Bond or Dr. Who! Who else love that character? Since he is the target in some twisted game and attacked, bullied, punched, beated. It's not a coincidence that they do this to him in all of his roles lately. Tell me it’s some kind of revenge because he dared to criticize, joking with Costner’s accent. It seems so. It’s pathetic if he’s still attacked for that, they targeting him because of that. Are they that narcissistic? It would be great to see him working with big names. Not true at all. I don't say he is the best actor but he is a good one if they actually gave him some material to work with. PS: can see the hater or haters whom go to every platform to try convince people about he is the worst actor are here. It could see it's a coordinated attack and i like to know how he is become the public enemy? I agree. I agree they were gorgeous on screen and their chemistry were great. The Princess Bride The Pentagon Wars Robin Hood: Men in Tights Honorable mention The Informant. Great, underrated movie. Oh, for a moment i thought that Lisamarie or one of the sisters, niece is here. I think the case that feminist want the gorgeous Cary whom was aged very well and was many young girl first crush to become creepy and old looking. I wouldn't surprised if the brutal punch in ST3 was not random and totally real, someone want make him ugly. I guess he made for the next Dracula. Straight, white males like him in Hollywierd only could got villain, creepy roles where women, blacks could prove all white men are evil and they're could beat and kill them. I think he was looked georgeous until he got that brutal punch in ST3. After that his whole face is changed.