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moviechatterer (13463)


Fact: 100% of Republicans believe 2020 was rigged So whats the charge ? The poster Are you capable of being unbiased? first post Religious people - why did you kill jesus? Short episodes Trump buys chicken Christmas movie No Max , so what? View all posts >


really ? you're not keeping quietly embarrassed about spouting that debunked horse shit? Quoting that thing that never happened is only gonna invite retorts about how Trump has stated multiple times on the record without doubt that he wants to F**k his daughter. tbf , I'm not sure if Trump really feels that or if its just part of his "Bragg about some bullshit" reflex that he has no control over. didnt Arabs invent maths & science thousands of years ago ? Those 0 to 9 numerals you're using? Arabic! oh , sorry , current ones ? They just supply all the oil that the entirety of western civilization depends upon completely "I expect this is just lies huh?" You have zero chance of getting them to even consider those facts , because they dont want it to be true. Republicans deal with things they dont like by just denying it exists where possible. You can have news agencies reporting stone cold hard facts like what Trump said in court, as recoded by the court transcriber , and they can even brush that off as "fake news" no matter what the source or conduit of the information There is no chance with something as "intangible" as climate change. go-to bullshit for this one includes: -"you said sea would rise 40 years ago" -"Scientists are all paid to lie" -"the temp has changed before" the film comes from three short stories called "the short timers" rich famous men are not good examples "JAWS SORCERER BLUE THUNDER" ^ correct answer right there Well you've covered 3 , and missed out the others, does that mean the other cases are not bogus? Yeah , he looked nothing like the real one-eyed guys! " at this point it's up to your detractors to prove " nope, because you guys (the tiny minority who make zero difference to revenues) are the ones all upset and boycotting the show. Everyone else just enjoying it for what it is. As I showed in an earlier link the Jewish people were barely tolerated let alone "in charge" found it View all replies >