MovieChat Forums > babbelblabb

babbelblabb (24)


Bloody murderer I totally agree with Bill Murray that she is a bad actress its hard to watch a long running joke after season 3 The best they have done in recent years Joker director remake of this movie - what if's here! I was shocked by this new standard Without a doubt the most average movie on top 250 View all posts >


Its not that big of a deal to get away from dead people, technically. The producers sure can pay for everything. Who cares 🫤 I look forward to his next movies as fuck. I wanna see him brush everything off and be a good actor, or even a better actor. Everything and anything starts with streams or something -.- But when streams are struggling.... Where is all this sick sick shit gonna go anyway? I do have a reader. I just do. I will be ready. It was within that a stream had to be on that I was like Mahone and seeing puzzles going "aha" and solving everything in 10!#3'8!$#. Fuck everyone they are bs. I just dont like careful pickers. Defensive and strategic knowledgeable, pickers. I dont like them. Its why nobody is ever good. Its just all for Twitch streamers or celebrities all in all. How do I make this technology seem old and unrelevant? I dont even like anything in it. Its the truth. Someone really needs multiple slaps on them everyday... Idgaf whom. I just think that I am me. 🥲 Its my main point in all of this. Does anyone ever listen? Damn. I is me here. And me is I. I am such ME. ME ME ME. Nope. I really have a hard time saying anything. This is an entire setup of dialogues that only I agree with. Because reading everything, literally everything that I wrote here is honest to god THE SAME boring as like being the good viewer that watches Twitch streams. Its all relevant. And my fucking console is defiently cancer Twitch shit. A fkng controller?! :@ NOWADAYS? I dont even buy that for myself. Wtf? There are tempo gamers irl today. Thats their fkng flag. But its not even the flag itself. Its the way that it goes unnoticed. Literally all the Twitch shit is so interesting even compared to this. I believe that I have a mother that isnt dead. But she is OLDER. She will be dead. And that prevents a future and takes away everything that aid workers to cunt shits like all of you could ever be. Its simply a better tommorow. I should maybe say too well that there IS a future. Regardless. None of y'all fuckers plans are in it. People wakes up one day "damn so these dead people were like that for so long? Oh. Ehm ofc we gonna take care of their source material... NOT. *destroys every evidence* People that are alive are literally gonna be like Tom not looking into the camera with a gun about it. It is just a simple delete button. Nothing further. All you fuckers are already dead and we nuked the Adobe teraflops servers. Dont come back 😋. That would be cool. Y'all wanna know why that would be cool? Because statues might exist. But NOBODY has ever cared about statues breaking if they do. Our technology is the funniest though. We can never have anything better that will make this technology seem old or boring like a statue... Yes we can. Statues must have been the most annoying shit back then. Statues are the origin of Twitch streamers. A-holes 3000 workers die building it and its simply their face on an entire building or city yuuuuuck. Haha. Seriously how old are the workings behind celebrities being important like this really? Fk this everyday... Im not proud. And fuck you all with this information because I dont have PC keyboard. Does food even taste the same anymore my thankful entirely reader? I doubt it. Probably high IQ as me. The reader... Haha bunch of psychological warframe eaters 😃 like I pour my hand out and they just reads or eats it all. They are shit YOU are shit. You fucking reader 😃🧑‍⚖️ Haha just imagine what a Twitch streamer could do though. Them fucking mouths I mean. God damn... Selfish-keyboard type of mouths. Yuck! Who else is afking about knowledge to others during this disgusting everyday restriction pandemic lol. I have no idea what I wrote other than Forrest going to Dreamhack and gets to be lvl 60 today. 😡 Y'all shit on ME everyday so much. Fuck you reader and readers. Dieeeee or stream miserably BOTH. FUUUUU. Its important to store the entire internet btwwwwwww It isnt bad though. I just want comedy movies. I honestly believe that "thank you" and other very strict hidden codes were made so that shit Deadpool actor ofc is such an easy "douche" with extra gay that just is funny somehow.... Its like seeing talentless Messi and Ronaldo sweat again... tbf. Like please release the funny movie or the "oh they did not". I'll not watch it or anyone else. .😉 If we all can remember all of this. It mocking any stereotypes would still not lift any barriers at all or be fun for context. Imdb movie boards would still be gone for instance and people would just only get to say "Yes it was a bad movie" or "Yes it was a good movie" on the entire internet mostly. It just isnt fun about anything Forrest 2024 movie and what it would try to mock. We suck fucking bitch nigger dicks everyday y'all. Insecurity would be too damn high still. Imagine just how much that gets cut out "no im not sure about this TODAY..." even though the movie would first be written with being a good movie in hand at first. So Yes I dont think a Forrest 2024 movie would work well. And it would change nothing because too much sucks really about movies mostly. Many comedies falls on these points tbh. Deadpool being a sarcastic kindergarten fucker will not change anything ya know... and them actors being "lightly" about something stereotype that is bullshit would mean deep down square shiiiit to us all and we all know that. Forrest would meet the people that are potraited very much like Deadpool that surely can joke about himself...not. Fuck Deadpool. But the point I wanna make is that nigger ass balls with featus melt into a sauce is quite the flavor that these movies needs and begs for. We must provide! Just stop oil -.- Its all I wanted to say and the entire point. Just stop oil.... Just stop oil. You know, we have had restrictions far long. Way longer than 40 years I would say. But we made it work sometimes. I believe mostly of anything is suuuuuch a nag and bullshit behind it. Like "what is a Swede?" Some could say. Or just what is a normal person that behaves normaly to bs occasions. Its like saying "thank you" after something. Really just fucking sick that is. Why the fuuuuuuck does people need a "thank you" for things? We all have an anxiety sickness if we DONT say thank you thats the thing. And if we dont have that we can atleast just sense a motion of some psychological warframe ftw He probably would go to Dreamhack and then be retarded talking about it. Forrest: "I was lvl 60 and I was RUNNING... ..." "..." Women: "...This is my uber, fuck you retard stranger person" Haha he would even describe how the expansions came along very dispecable, like a retard that is digging through a butthole and doesnt know how disgusting he is talking about. "they called it brown fungus but I would have no idea about that we just make Forrest Energy Bars, we are famous..." "..." "Women: im calling cops." But like "and then you could *drowls and eats with open mouth in between* fly! *As his smile is bigger along every update he exposed everyone of annoying dress codes missed* *Slurps the incognito saliva back in*-nd then they had group finder ow Yes.. " Fuck he would have to be a good voice actor. It has to be perfect 🫤 Like how the shit king in lotr return eats tomatoes in the echoing castle and is disgusting almost. Forrest would have to have so many problems and much to be stressed about I mean. He could encounter PewDiePie and simply fist bump for a poster together. That would do the trick. Such annoyance :@@@@@@ And he actually doesnt sit on a bus stop in the other half of the movie. He is just talking to Twitch chat about his life... and he would respect every individual in chat too well and perfect. It would be annoying and upper level cheesy reality of movies with him portraying himself. Somehow they magically would have a "believeable" streamers chat in a Forrest movie. There just wouldnt be the reality of people going "fuck you retard asshole" or anything like that at all. Everyone would be "Yes, I believe in what you say and have further feedback to come with as we now can communicate in a platform so well, right everyone? Yes." Annnnnnnnnd. A 2024 Forrest movie would really just do soooo much unbelievable shit. Losing all touch of reality of what people are. I mean if you guys would get to see this movie it would only be bad. It mocking any Have you seen groundhog day? im just trying to mean well, like a father would to you. View all replies >