DoubleRD77's Replies

What if the outie got drunk every night? You would be the one working exhausted and hungover everyday. You would not have even been able to enjoy the alcohol :(. Machines had survived from the original war and fled to the far reaches of space, and began rebuilding. In the books, Feyd was not bad at first. It was when the Baron took an interest and brought him to his court to raise him is when he was corrupted. He still might have been an effective emperor. I am sure most of the empire would have preferred that, and there would have been less conflict. Ultimately in the long run, they would all have been doomed with the return of the machines without Paul winning and the God Emperor to follow, and create the Golden Path. That was a very mean thing to say ;(***** I am afraid of Nilbog milk :( I am afraid of boxing ;( I am afraid of arachnids ;( I am afraid of liquid breathing systems :( A movie about Peter Steele would be cool. Though most people probably do not know who he is today, with the turn modern music is taking. :( It is hard to get all that done in a movie, which is why I believe series are so popular today. Each season is like a 10 or 12 hour movie, which gives you a lot of time to tell a story and develope characters. If they made a series, I think that would be cool. I did like the movie though. What if the ship was taken over by someone crazy or a terrorist. Then a self destruct would prevent them from crashing it into Earth. If they had a huge amount of dangerous cargo, that would be important to prevent. I get a Christmas email. Thinking machines and things like that are banned at this time. Due to fighting a war against AI thousands of years ago, all thinking machines are banned. If someone were to do something like that, all houses of the Landsraad would declare war on them. If someone manually flew a drone without AI and did that, the houses would unite against them. Any AI is outlawed during this time period. The known universe is almost like a futuristic society at this point. Also, they have mentats, which are basically human computers. In the book it explains things better. "Lasguns" do exist and are used, however; if used against a shield, it causes a nuclear explosion that kills the Lasgun user and the person with the shield. The shield stops fast moving projectiles. Bullets and things like that are obsolete, this why hand to hand combat comes back. A slow moving blade will go through the shield. There is a battle in a prequel book where the Sarduakar actually would reach and turn someone's shield off and kill them, during the battle of IX. The Atreides base shield was disabled by Yueh in the book. In the book, The Baron actually had brought in old fashioned artillery for this battle, which otherwise, would have been useless and obsolete. With the names so similar, I thought initially it might be something related to The Forever War. Glad I am not the only one. Read the book though, great book. There are many novels set in the Aliens universe. There is a three book trilogy, which is excellent. The last book, River of Pain, I think it is called, takes place at Hadley's Hope, during the fall of the colony. The book is great, and you learn how and why what happened. I don't want to spoil it for you, read the book. I think it could be a serious sport. It is popular in China I believe, and other parts of the world. I believe China actually has their own battlebots type of show. I agree. I did not see this thread earlier, or I would not have opened a separate Terry Silver thread. No one can pull off the Terry Silver role but Thomas Ian Griffith, so I hope they can get him, and not use another actor. That is a shame if they can't get him to come back. Won't be the same with a different actor. I don't think anyone else can really be as good playing Terry Silver.