MovieChat Forums > 651377X

651377X (2)



Whenever I think about Nazis, or see them in a TV show, it just blows my mind that a nation could really have gone into a World War based on such flimsy concepts. Will-to-power national pride? Hatred of Jews? _Really_? Or perhaps I only think that because the ideas behind the Soviet Union were so universal and easily-explained? And it's a tragedy because on the face of it, Nazis are such cool villains, vizaviz the smart uniforms, and the coolness of U-boats, Zeppelins, fighter planes aces, etc. No idea about the best Hitler film. But I've been itching to watch Valkyrie again. This is a great thread. Dawn of the Dead is one of my favourite and most-thought-about-films. Sometimes, while walking the dog in the middle of nowhere, I'll put on the Trunk Records soundtrack and scare myself to death, as if in the Pennsylvania countryside as glimpsed from Flyboy's helicopter... I have a scenario I'd like to experiment with. One of the main traits of the Zombie Apocalypse genre is that mankind _will not_ work together, even in the face of absolute global doom. You could argue that's the main plot of The Walking Dead even moreso than the zombies themselves. To that end, I'd like to see a point towards the end of the film where, say, Peter has shot himself with his tiny gun, and Flyboy's zombie is attacking Francine -- and she is saved, on a whim, by Tom Savini's biker king. Because how cool was it in Pulp Fiction when Butch and Marcellus, two bitter, irreconcilable enemies joined forces in the middle of a crisis, just on a whim? View all replies >