Graboid's Replies

Man, I can't remember the title either. I think the boy is sewn into the mothers stomach by his... father?... or he puts himself back in her body somehow. Later in the morgue it shows her stomach and a box cutter blade pokes out of her stomach and slices down. He then crawls out. Seen it, cant remember the rest of the story. I want to say that this scene was the climax of the film. Hopefully this helpes someone else remember. My memory recalls specifically a trash can. The only movie I remember that comes close is My Demon Lover. But the scenes that involves the trash can dont resonate with the memory I have. BtW... That was a great 1987 flick starring Scott Valentine. Sugguested viewing. That's it, my friend! Thanks! That's been stumping me since the 80s! Time to re-live childhood terror via youtube... yesssss! Not that one. That was nicely filmed. This one had more of a 'tales from the crypt' vibe. Sounds like Waiting...(2007) Sounds like The Puppet Masters (1994) Now a days,cgi can be used. But for practical purposes, they can be given contacts that keep air from drying out their eyes as fast, requiring fewer blinks. And before a scene they lay still and relax so their heart rate is at rest in order to breath slower and take shallow breaths. Other than that; commitment. I think the Jeepers Creepers movies has the killer mounting peoples skin on the wall. Philidelphia Experiment II they went back to WWII era. It was the only time travel movie that I could find that delt with your description that included Nazis. "Now THAT'S how you get pink eye!" Well, the first three referenced Christianity and negated religion in the fourth one; so there was a big disruption in the arc of the story line that may have turnrd people off. The alien aspect took the adventure theme that I come to love with the previous installments and the sudden change to the scifi theme made it feel out of place.