wositelec's Replies

It will be tough to find. Maybe "Skal vi danse først?" (1979) ? "The story of 16-year-old Susanne, her everyday life among her friends and especially her relationship with her parents. When she becomes a page-9 girl in Ekstrabladet, her mother does not want the father to see it, but he takes the news in good spirits, not free to be a little proud of his beautiful daughter. During a visit to a 40-year-old silversmith things go dire. Susanne is violently raped and gets pregnant. Targeted at a youth audience." Maybe "Ulven kommer" (2020), an episode entitled "Afsnit 1" - it is miniseries, but sounds like your movie. "14-year-old Holly has written a school essay in which she accuses her stepfather of physical abuse. The social services' most experienced social worker, Lars Madsen, is handed the case." "Holly, 14, has written an essay in which she accuses her stepfather of aggravated assault. The municipality's best social worker, Lars Madsen, will be put on the case. Over the course of a day, he ends up urgently placing Holly and her little brother, Theo, with a foster family. The parents are in shock and claim that Holly is lying. Lars now has a few weeks to find his head and tail in the case. But who is telling the truth, and who is hiding a secret?" Maybe it is "Not Like Us", but it is from 1995. I got a suggestion that it is an episode from "American Playhouse" s06e10 - Hot Summer Winds. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0319517/ "Based on two short stories by Hisaye Yamamoto this play details the domestic tension between an illiterate Japanese immigrant farmer and his educated wife in 1930s California". My friend replied too, although there are differences, ale it is solved probably. " the story line is exactly the same as the movie I'm thinking of. There are some differences, perhaps I don't remember as well as I thought. Could this have been released around 1970 originally, and then re-released in the early 90s again? Hisaye Yamamoto must have written both works. I'm going to research this and get back to you. Many thanks friend!" My friend found this. It is "Pandemic" (2007). So maybe? No Greater Love (1995 TV Movie) Maybe "Hello Sister, Goodbye Life" (2006). I didn't watch, but it has similar plot. And maybe "China Strike Force" (2000) ? Maybe "Asylum" (2005) ? It is some similar. Maybe: Thor: Hammer of the Gods (TV Movie 2009) It is some similar and I remember vikings and different monsters. OK. I didn't find nothing similar. Perhaps it is "your" movie :-) OK. And "My sassy girl" (2001) ? "A young man sees a drunk, cute woman standing too close to the tracks at a metro station in Seoul and pulls her back. She ends up getting him into trouble repeatedly after that, starting on the train." Other possibility is "My sassy girl (2008) is some similar too. " When Charlie is accepted at an elite college in Manhattan, it seems dreams can come true. However, just as Charlie is settling in and keeping his eye on the prize, a woman totally diverts his path. Beautiful Jordan (Elisha Cuthbert) appears very drunk and lands on a subway track. Yes, indeed, Charlie rescues her. It soon becomes a pattern, as Jordan self proclaims that she is in a "reckless" phase. " S vyara v ritnika (1984) ? (english: With Belief in the Kick) "The lazy farmer wakes up dark from sleep . He banishes his wife, his pig, his chickens, his horse - Finally, he's all alone. He falls asleep and dreams of all those he has banished." And "Good Luck Chuck" ? OK. Could be: "I'm with Lucy" (2002) "It's an hour before Lucy's wedding and her best friend wants to hear all about what led up to that moment. So, Lucy tells about the five men she had blind dates with over the past year (Doug, Gabriel, Bobby, Barry, and Luke) and her experiences with each one. As each date is told at the same time as the other four, the many ups and downs of new relationships are shown. So, while some dates start off terribly, but end well others are just the opposite. But which one of the five men is Lucy about to walk down the aisle with?" I don't have other idea. Maybe you will try this method: https://www.imdb.com/search/keyword/?keywords=blind-date&ref_=kw_ref_rt_vt&sort=moviemeter,asc&mode=detail&page=1&genres=Comedy%2CRomance&num_votes=100%2C20000&release_date=1990%2C2005 It sounds like "Consenting Adults" (1992). I remember very similar scene and it is important part of a plot. Could be: "Blind Date" (1987) ? "Walter Davis is a workaholic. His attention is all to his work and very little to his personal life or appearance. Now he needs a date to take to his company's business dinner with a new important Japanese client. His brother sets him up with his wife's cousin Nadia, who is new in town and wants to socialize, but he was warned that if she gets drunk, she loses control and becomes wild. How will the date turn out - especially when they encounter Nadia's ex-boyfriend David?" OK. It sounds interesting. I didn't watch, so I am interested. If you will sure, you mark a thread (SOLVED) 90s movie. American couple lives somewhat isolated while drinking and having a lot of sex. OK. Do you remember something more? Maybe it is "Under Heaven" (1998). "Cynthia and Buck are a young couple with little but love. Soon Cynthia drops the cough syrup and beer drinking Buck: her dreams of being a princess did not involve an unemployed boyfriend who steals steaks and fruit-pies under his shirt. Setting out on her own, a devastated Buck left behind, Cynthia gets a job caring for rich but terminally ill Eleanor. As God would have it, Buck comes back into the picture. Cynthia persuades him to charm the self-conscious Eleanor, to gain favors in her will. What ensues is an intense love triangle, a passionate example of the redeeming power of love and forgiveness."