MovieChat Forums > Callahan7

Callahan7 (922)


I think he doesn't like Donald Trump Bill Maher Likes Alvin Bragg Now Reportedly Dropped, QT Changed His Mind Date of birth JR! Early cinema great Monster. He was just convicted. Smoking! Why is there so much traffic on General Discussion? View all posts >


What does this long thread have to do with the film? A good movie. She probably won't be the VP pick Deadpool. This discussion is likely academic. Who will the VP (AND NEXT VICE PRESIDENT) be? We'll have to wait and see. Doug Markum is looking good. A tempest in a teapot. Farmers and ranchers shoot dogs that pose a threat to chickens, other livestock, and humans. They don't have a veterinarian down the street that can use a hypodermic needle. So they use a firearm to put the dog down. There is nothing sadistic or cruel about shooting the dog. You sound like a city dweller who doesn't know dick about living in the country. "BTW, Trump was not brought up once yet you couldn't help bringing him up. What is it you right wingers call leftist who talk about him? Oh that's right, " Trump Derangement Syndrome", I guess you right wingers have that too." Since you mentioned it check this out- Yay! MAGA That's another Stalinesque show trial AmeriGirl. No worries. It is easy to mix up these 2 lawfare proceedings. MAGA is winning. TRUMP 2024 MAGA rising! TRUMP 2024 TRUMP 2024 Why? The house n-word comment? That was just a bad joke. She is getting out early. Yay! Manny was right behind Tony and he was aiming his gun. Nah, no surprise attack. Frank was pleading for his life. Cliches? Where?! It was probably more than a taxi ride. He is a great player. Do you understand now? A good movie. I don't know. A good question. Does anyone know? If I ignore someone they are out of sight and mind. I don't care if they can see me or not. I'm just curious. This is old school tech so maybe they can't see you. Like on the original IMDB. Now ProBoards, that's another matter entirely. Newer tech but their ignore feature blows. View all replies >