almonigal's Replies

If he forgot, why not tell the snail the f your problem the first time he kicks it? Probably social responsibility, education, a healthy evonomy and legal stability since easy to spot technology(smartphones, laptops and shit), like you said, is not a factor. Are you trying to imply that americans are part of the developed world? No. Wait. The fuck's your problem is said during the second encounter. This implies the man did not forget, he says it like he is surprised the snail insisted to come back, after the beating he took 1. Not a missile, but an artillery shell 2. I wonder what happened: A. This woman expressed her wish to write something on an artillery shell B. Someone invited this woman to write something on an artillery shell 3. Imagine that these people thought this was a smart thing to do, or a thing that would attract sympathy towards israel. Honest question: what kinds of people are these? Doesn't make sense. What's the explanation for the punchline? (The F's your problem) Take it however you want, as long as you take it and are happy Why? You wanna goy my Shabos? Not interested Why do you hate jews so much? Thats antisemitic I can find hundreds, not onr Most posts you make are antisemitic Noone mentioning mIRC... Weird. Look at him .So cute. He thinks he's people If its possessive, possessive of what? If it's not plural, why the fuck does he have a list ? Israel has the right ... It got old. Everyone sees. Just stop... Just to make it clear, the idf are worse. How the shit do you have 11k posts and you cannot spell heroes correctly? This Hamas is some next level Splinter Cell shit. I think they are hiding in some vents in all peace organizations hq's, and just do spy stuff. What's Hamas gonna infiltrate next? Are you implying that helicopters are less safe than planes ?