MovieChat Forums > SamNoyoun

SamNoyoun (4518)


Looked Good At Met Gala TRIVIA: Whose Favorite Show Is This? I Didn't Watch Justified Appreciation Post Box Office Success How Much Have YOU Lost? So Hot! MTG(& 8 other GOP reps) Keeps It Classy! It's A Good Day View all posts >


"And the book was far more graphic "in the imagination" than the movie on screen" For sure, I distinctly remember(even though it was fifty years ago) a scene involving the subplot(not in the movie) of Hooper banging Brody's wife and a description of her "glistening vagina" that was pretty heady stuff for someone my age! I'm a physical media kind of guy... Indeed, the cover of the book had the same picture...I read it that summer, too, as an impressionable seven year old! Indeed, and hopefully soon as my preorder has shipped... Hey, look...Something else we agree on! ⚪⚪ That's a load of crap, millions of humans have been using Cannabis for thousands of years without a single death and we're expected to believe that one woman finally died from it? Ah yes, clearly an unbiased film if it's by The Epoch Times, known as a "leading purveyor of right-wing misinformation!" You're currently fighting with multiple posters on this thread alone...Perhaps it's time to take a step back from the keyboard and go outside in the sunshine! Hope this helps... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Cool story, bro! View all replies >