ibarackedyomama's Replies

what's the point of telling us now? this movie is over 20 years old. attention seeking loser cunt (i'm talking about jada not the OP) didn't read peckerwood so tell me is your ass aware that your head has moved in? unlike you i'm not white and i don't participate in incest but good try you'll never be the man that your mother is faggot Fuck off back under your rock and lick your wounds. jurassic park lol alien 3 is a good film? lmfaoooooooooooooooo!!!!! your mom raised a faggot i hope you do a movie with alec bladwin lol someone help this dude please lmfaooo my middle finger salutes you faggot your mother raised a maggot i hope you do a movie with alec baldwin faggot not shocked there's been several stories about but because he's white it gets swept under the rug it wouldn't have went public without Turtle. He knew Alex who knew Carlos who wanted to put him in touch with Vincent Chase and because Turtle also knew Ari who knew Mark Cuban the whole thing took off. If Carlos never met Turtle, the Avion most likely would never became as big as it is. slapped. didn't read faggot thank you these loser virgins have no idea what an alpha male is. to use another example Dr Cox on "Scrubs" is an alpha male also. agreed but that faggot will argue against anything to justify his prejuiced attitude.