
emori (3110)


Episode 6. Do we suppose to..... Casting Directors Deny Creepy Chemistry Read ... Wasn't Our Projects!!! This is what those 3 criminals looked like Why do American/Canadian police interrogation rooms have such weird camera angles? I didn't feel sorry for anyone. Hollow people. All of hem Will there be third one? I wonder how much worth his kids are Another flop for Guy Ritchie Bad writing. Homer's parents... OMG. Lead character is so horrible. I cheered when.... View all posts >


Age of conscript in Ukraine is 25 to 60. Of course there will be senior people too. Did you see those "meat assaults" of russians? Literally throw soldiers in open fields into Ukrainians positions hoping someone will go through. Then Ukrainians shoot them out. russia doesn't care how many russian men will die. they sent and sent waves of them. When one is exterminated - new one is being send. Any other country would stop with those colossal loses. but putin would rather wipe out his whole male population. Oh well - that is the way then. Ukraine killed/wounded up to 450 000 russian soldiers by now. For 2 years. USA lost 58,220 soldiers for 9 years in Vietnam. USSR lost 15,000 soldiers and 35 000 wounded for 10 years in war in Soviet–Afghan War It's crazy numbers. Those losses would have stopped attacker long time ago. But russia doesn't care how much russian men will die. And russian men just go and willingly die. I guess war will go on until last russian soldier will die. And now that so many healthy russian men died in war - russian officials are running around and baning abortions and demand women to birth 5-6 children. Because russia is dying out. They lost like 130 000 people of population in natural cause for just 2 months. Difference between those who died and how many were born. Because livf is so bad in russia that women dont want to have children. It's too expensive to raise them. putin destroys rusisan nation. russia spends millions on propaganda and bots. Who knows. Also sometimes people who run around and defend nazi russia are not bots on payroll but stupid maga idiots who hate themselves and USA so much that they willingly became traitors. There is such deep luck of self-respect for them. They stand on their knees and bow to putin and russians accepting them as their masters. Because being "putins little bitches" for them is more acceptable then live in Democrat ruled USA. This is so embarrassing. "pro-russian maga americans" is the most pathetic group. Sure Ivan. Stop embarrassing yourself. maga idiots are such cowards that they really will just give everything to russia and china. Alaska, Florida.... Will put their hands and surrender. They are so pathetic that it's actually sad. Ivan go home. There is no vodka here. No dummie, Ukraine will not surrender only because you want it. No, no matter how much maga imbeciles will whine and throw tantrums on the internet. LOL. It's embarrassing. You just don't know how box-office works. It's always funny how naive people bring those WW numbers to prove their beloved movie didn't flop. It doesn't work like that. Overseas numbers good when it's like 300-600 millions. When it's some 30-80 millions for a big budget movie - it's very little. Movie theaters outside USA leave like 50% of the grosses to themselves. In China it's 2/3. It's a well known fact. While in USA theaters give 100% back to studio. So when you see that movie made 40 millions overseas - it means that only 20 millions will go back to USA. No. He injected a drug that showed his real face - alien face. Like he wanted to be himself for a while. Dude is an alien. And his lady friend with a cat. And doctor. They are all gang of aliens. That's literally what happened. LOL. View all replies >