MovieChat Forums > Annkat

Annkat (216)


Leftovers I like it The best part was I would love... Really? Film Locations The name? No, NOT a period adaptation Oh Look View all posts >


It’s a winner takes all industry. Spielberg is the main reason why any of his projects get filmed. Doesn’t matter who works for him. But the fact that he had a mentor who guided him strictly, without getting credit, indicates to me that Spielberg's position in the industry was created and given to him. By the time he was on his own and making his own decisions, he could have made movies about men getting comb overs at a salon and people would have cheered. The people in the industry working with him would have proudly touted their involvement with Spielberg’s project Combover City. The women vigilantes told them to walk further out then put their clothes out for them when they returned. Because they didn't stay long. They were under the impression that they would all run right back when they saw them leave. But that isn't what happened. They started hallucinating, either from the cold or something else. What is a mystery. S1 was good but not near the level everyone puts it at. The series was new and different at the time. So it was surprising. Watching it now, there are just as a many dead spots. Also poorly written characters, such as the wife. It also had a big occult, magical component that everyone lets pass and yet squawk about it being in S4. He had a mentor. It is obvious. There was a more balanced approach. On his own, he gravitates to the more manipulative, maudlin spectrum. I'm sorry, Spielberg had so much power in the 80s and 90s, he could have filmed a dog taking a poo and no one would have said no. There was no outside interference and it shows. I can’t imagine Dustin Hoffman in this film. I don’t think we were meant to think of her as a good singer. Everyone was trying to be kind because her father had recently passed. The tone of the film definitely zig zags around. There is a "Casper" element to some of the movie that is jarring. The meat of the film, hidden by ghosts, is regarding the development of gated communities. The Freelings look like up and comers who strove to get into such a development. Steven worked hard in the sales of the homes there. All of it upended by unwanted "invaders", the wrong sort that ultimately ruins property values. In the second film, we learn Cueste Verde is abandoned. That could have been developed more but it remains inert. LOL She was the one Rick James wrote about in his hit song Super Freak. Even when I saw this film as a young person, I knew Linda was off in the head. I never could figure out why no one else knew it. The fact that they state he was a Psychology professor who taught abnormal psych just confirms the fact that Linda is insane. She probably had a fling with the professor then never left his apartment. View all replies >