Blade13's Replies I have a message for the OP There are much worse pictures of Biden, have you seen the other pictures of Biden with the little girls? Some are still on twitter. You got your answer now and never responded. Dude we cant have two snivelers on this board. You're just being ridiculous now. I was talking about the sniveler. Are you now identifying yourself as the sniveler? I'm very familiar with her tactics. I was told the sniveler is a transgender, so please respect her pronouns dude. I'm not sure how accurate this info is, but just to be safe and to avoid hurting his feelings let's just call him a woman. are you a wise guy? I occasionally go to a church that is primarily spanish speaking and all of them are hispanic, not one of them is white. They have dark skin, coal black hair and very specific facial features. I've never seen a white hispanic. If there were any white hispanics I'd bet they have one white parent. I mainly go to a church on the other side of town that has hispanics, whites, asians, blacks and samoans. Which makes me laugh when I hear someone from the left use the phrase "white church" or "white Christian" I dont know what that even means. What is a white church or a white Christian? and no I am not claiming you used that term, it just reminded me how stupid those people sound. So jews are white and non white? That sounds like some leftist double speak. I'm not arguing that Bernie Sanders is anything. Is he 100% jewish? I dont know or care. So that would make Jesus white? Wouldnt it? You claimed jews were white. Remember a few days ago when you said Jesus was white? Now that was funny. He saw I wasn't going to play his game so he ran off like the sniveling little bitch he is. when did I say that? I never claimed they were satanists. I said people might think that because they support so many of the evils of this world. Hey, if she wont make me a sandwich...she's getting a slap.😎 A good slap in the face would solve a lot of this "feminist" bullshit going on in the world today. Now you're going in circles. What odd behavior. Because hollywood supports so many evil practices. pornography nudity homosexuality fornication drug use transgenders DEI anti family anti marriage anti God anti Christianity anti religion It's a very long list. Then why wouldnt you say it? Why is this so difficult for you? Sometimes a woman needs a good slap. What is your problem?