jcnyclv's Replies

I'm also very annoyed at Cheryl's behavior. I thought she would go back to being the way she was in Season 1, a good, loving mother/grandmother but that's not the way she's acting since Leland broke up with her. I don't understand what ulterior motives she might have. Perhaps she's under some demon's spell. Hopefully we'll find out soon. Edited to say that I've seen a few more episodes and Cheryl is definitely just as evil - if not worse - than Leland! I think when she was seeing him, she liked the fact that he was evil and even though they broke up, she's obviously continuing that behavior. She's deeply enmeshed in demonic worship. I don't think she's even trying to protect her grandchildren anymore. She did tell Leland not to go near them, however, I think she's actually planning on recruiting them into her circle of evil doers which is part of the reason she's sending Andy away to Nepal. Her behavior is just ridiculous. Edited again to say that I'm now into season 3 and I'm so done with Cheryl! Her behavior is atrocious and now she's grooming her granddaughter to be the head of some evil "family". Not to mention what she's doing to Andy! I wouldn't be unhappy at all if they decided to take her character off of the show! My husband and I were talking about the same thing very recently. We're big fans of the show but it's getting very annoying. It's not just Ken's joyful expression when using "they" for a contestant but have you noticed how he completes most of the contestants' answers? It's not his just saying the first name of the person when answered with only the last name (which is fine), I've seen him actually accept (and I know, it's the judges too) someone's answer when it's not complete. He will accept it and then give the full answer and it happens constantly now. Alex - and the judges - would not have accepted a lot of what's being accepted now. Alex would have asked the contestants to be more specific to get the full correct answer from them. The judges seem loathe to get involved now. Maybe they're afraid of hurting people's feelings in this day and age of thin skinned people. The show is really changing, and not for the better. 👍👍 That's serious mental illness, hostile and delusional! I never read the book, this is just my take on strictly the move. <spoiler>Her face at the end was one of complete "oh shit, I'm busted" and "oh please don't be mad at me that I was caught in these big lies." It wasn't an expression of anger, or shock, as though she thought he was in cahoots with her husband or had betrayed her in any way. To me, her face completely indicated she was caught in lies which would mean she was, in fact, a very delusional woman who should have remained where she was but was going to be released.</spoiler> Out of curiosity, how did the book end? Good cast, looks interesting, maybe even scary (🤞🤞). I look forward to seeing it. Very well said! My friends and I looked a little older so we could get into movies we really shouldn't have been seeing at that age, like this one and The Last House On The Left, Don't Look In The Basement, among others. Not to mention, the teenage ticket sellers at the time really weren't always careful who they let in. Of course it was a gimmick, but it was supposed to be a seriously scary movie, not a serious drama. It was based on some fact of that time period, but it was also low budget and cheesy. It was definitely supposed to be a serious horror film. I saw it in the theater when it came out and vomit bags were given to everyone in the audience. Supposedly, people were so horrified that there was a lot of vomiting. It didn't affect me or anyone I knew that way so it was probably just a gimmick to get people to see the movie. I liked it better when I was 12 than I did when I saw it again at 30. Harry was a fictionalized character, he never actually existed. He was a made up character specifically for the movie. Frances actually wrote an autobiography entitled Will There Really Be a Morning? I read it years ago as a kid. It's heart wrenching, but if you want a truthful account of her life, her autobiography is how to get it. Not by the media. But you already know that don't you. You don't fool anyone. Aid groups that go in. Look it up genius. I'm talking about reporting news accurately, truthfully and in an unbiased manner. Sorry if you can't comprehend that. I won't even dignify such a mindless question with a response! "So in other words, Israel is as intractable as the Palestinians. Neither side will accept the existence of the other." THEY HAD THEIR OWN AREA SINCE 2005 and look what they did with it! With all due respect are you not able to comprehend that they were on their own since 2005?? They could have made Gaza a magnificent place for themselves and their children and worked toward a better relationship with Israel and eventually be recognized as its own State. Instead they elected a terrorist organization and attacked Israelis every chance they got SINCE 2005!!! Then October 7th! WOULD YOU WANT YOUR FAMILY TO LIVE NEAR HAMAS???? Give me a break! Re: the land: Israel didn't take anything. The British owned the land and gave some of it to the Jews and some of it to the non-Jews (as the Brits called them). Period! Any additional land that Israel has, was won in war. The Arabs have started wars with Israel for years and they never win. Israel always wins which means they can take land. That's the way it works. Period! If the Arabs don't want to continue losing land, they shouldn't continue attacking Israel!!! And if you'd read the Bible, you would know that Jews were in Israel in Bible days! Talk about "ancestral land!!! There can be a two state solution, however, not in my lifetime. Hatred and terror are deeply embedded in the Palestinians. They learn from young in school to hate the Jews. What needs to be done is for Israel to annex Gaza after the war and take control, ensuring that terrorism is no longer taught, that terrorism is no longer allowed. It will take many years, but eventually the Palestinians will, hopefully, be able to live in peace with their neighbors. That cannot happen anytime soon though because of the deep rooted hatred they have. Israel will have to handle Gaza like the US handled Japan or Germany after World War II. Both countries flourished, both countries are allies. Thank you, and same to you 🙂 Bingo! 100% correct! And where is the media when the Muslims in Nigeria go on killing sprees in Christian villages, slaughtering anything that moves, including infants????? This has been going on for a long time and happens all the time and the media doesn't report on it. You actually think the people of Israel should have to have the Palestinians - most of which supported Hamas' terror and even participated in it - as their neighbors??? Please don't forget that there was not one Jew in Gaza - NOT ONE - since 2005 and yet the Palestinians could not tolerate having Jewish neighbors. Have you never heard of Pay for Slay where they and their families were paid to kill and maim Israelis?? It went on for years and years. Constant terror attacks by the Gazans for money. A "2 state" solution can only happen when the residents of both want peace and that has never been what the Gazans want! And again, the figures are BS, made up by a terrorist organization. As I said, if Israel was not taking civilians into account, this war would have been over 5 months ago. The only reason it's lasted so fu__ing long is because they're being careful.