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Jakethesnake (32)


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T1 is a different movie from T2. T2 is a popcorn blockbuster movie. These tend to get a lot higher scores. T1 is horror, and as such it has a fantastic score, probably because some of the T2 idiots saw it as well. All sequels are based on T2. I wish someone would revisit T1 and that r-rated universe instead. I love both alien and T1 equally, but alien is technically a masterpiece, while T1 is more low budget. Hollywood probably took some liberties in physics. They could get away with more back then. Was it not a regular fire extinguisher? I'm not American, but I'll give you my perspective. Trump is a joke of a man. That said, I prefer him x10 to the other physcopaths. His foreign policy is leaving other nations alone, and focusing on the USA. He is the one who has a good chance of stopping ww3, or at least postpone it. I think it's sad that the two options for the American people (and the world) are a reality soap star or a senile lefty war-monger, but given that choice, I'd pick the Trump. 4/10. It's a great movie for sure, and I like to think, but I think the movie could have benefitted from some more clarity to be honest. I just watched "spider" for instance. And it is clear what it's about, and there's a "full circle" in the end. I daresay they might be two versions of the same idea about how reality is subjective, idk. I think spider is the better storytelling, while videodrome oozes passion, atmosphere and creativity. So while videodrome was burnt into my retina, probably forever, it's still a wtf movie, and leaves some to be desired. But agreed, top 10 or 20 of the 80s, that was a good decade for horror. Watched it yesterday and really enjoyed it. No, we will never get to see something like this again, except for shitty indie movies. I came to the boards to see if someone has analyzed it. I don't think there has to be a higher meaning in films, but I'd be curious if there was more to this film than what I picked up. If I had to guess, it's about that reality does not really exist + a gore fetish. In other words exploring insanity and consciousness. In any case, I now great people in the street with "long live the new flesh!" If it feels better for you to resort to name-calling, I'll give you that. I'm equally curious though, you are advocating for others to get their legs blown off on mines in Donbas, while you sit comfortable by your computer calling people names. How can you live with that? Where is the integrity? Why aren't you in the trenches with you brethren, fighting for what you so strongly believe in? You make an excellent point. Don't waste your breath on the sheep-brained lemmings of our race. They would all be Nazis Woking in the concentration camps if the media told them to. I saw angle heart way after the ninth gate, and while they both are awesome movies to me, I don't see many similarities, or one being superior to the other. AH reminded me more of Jakobs Ladder, momento or something like that. That is probable. And I'm saying there's nothing indicating a Jew in Palestine would look like an Arab today, which the OP implies. Because different people lived there historically. and while Arabs and Jews might share a common bloodline as you imply, there's no consensus what they looked like, or if they looked the same. Op wants an Arab looking jesus, I'm pointing out that that is necessarily not what he looked like and that a white jesus is plausible. Some Egyptian Pharaohs had red hair for instance. I'm not dealing with absolutes though, since there is no scientific consensus regarding it. Just wanting to make some think a little. View all replies >