MovieChat Forums > Skavau

Skavau (9898)


Rate this song between 1 and 10 (Post-Metal with Korean Folk influences) Rate the song between 1-10 (Prog Metal) Hungarian public broadcaster agrees to air hardline Chinese propaganda Ben Shapiro cries that Eurovision doesn't adhere to tradcon reactionary values Rate this song on a scale between 1-10 (Nordic Folk) Rate this song out of 10 My Top TV series of all time, ranked (mostly) Looks like Korea going for Squid Game again Trailer View all posts >


The more likely possibility, hear me out, is that tvfan is full of shit. >I remember reading from a guy in the know on Quora, Lmao. Epic sourcing there. Someone posting from Quora. Plenty of people have made definitive claims about reality, and not presented their position as an opinion. What amazing arguments were put to me in that thread that I simply could not refute? Or are you of the opinion the murderous fascist who made that thread somehow has a point? Does anything ever happen in your world by accident? Not quite. I mean each European country has their own 'Idol' shows. Eurovision is just countries competing with each other every year and voting for each others entries. It's usually trashy europop, but you get the occasional rock, metal act. Weird. ESC geoblocking USA (I assume you're from the USA). It's a pagan themed music entry in this years Eurovision. Indeed. This is ridden with ads, so that lightens it. I doubt its that expensive to run. It's basically just text. You'd think that but the internet is littered with abandoned websites that are still operable. Jim last posted 6 years ago This site is basically abandoned tbh It's from the official ESC account. I really doubt it's blocked or inaccessible to you. View all replies >