Horrorlover656's Replies

Go on. Hey, I had a question. Since you have been on the original IMDB chat boards since the late 90s, can you tell me about your experiences back then(when the film discussion boards started I mean)? Perkins makes me regret that I wasn't around during the late 50s and early 60s as a 20-something. I am a Bi dude and wouldn't mind marrying him. In my imagination, he is my hubby from back then. I am a 19 year old who watched Psycho for the first time back in 2020. Other than the shower scene, it was rather creepy and tense. The Arbogast murder and Norman Bates running into the the basement scared me(I didn't know he was the killer. Which is unfortunate since I was developing a crush on Norman Bates throughout the film.) I have seen that other Psycho tribute you posted. Thanks for reminding me. I totally forgot about it. Didn't Brian Grant do a couple videos for Whitney Houston? Didn't you lose your account? You used to be ecarle before, right? I made this cover using the Reaper DAW(digital audio workstation) and the Genny VST(which emulates sounds from old Sega Genesis games). Thanks. The book can be found here:- https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=967610AC7E3F6CCDADE632D9DA5EEC18 Despite the deterioration Youtube has gone through last few years(removing the dislike button, tiktok influences), I'd be lying to myself if I said the same for it's video essay, film and screenplay breakdown and music teaching side. In addition to Rick Beato, there are great and underappreciated channels like CinemaTyler(film), Moviewise(film), Beauty Of(cinematography compilation). There are music production and composition channels as well, but I can't remember their names unfortunately. Interesting. Can you tell me more about the proposed "Rear Window II"? Where did you get the info? Btw, hope you get your account back soon. Good luck! Happy 90th Birthday from me as well. I'm bisexual and Anthony Perkins is hot. "Silence of the Lambs" I wonder how Hitch would have handled the material, if he were alive. I actually wonder how he would go along in the current film industry. "swanstep often writes up very good critiques of these films" That's another poster whose posts I find interesting. Both of you're doing a great job keeping this board alive! "Hitchcock ended up with a "horror director" brand " One of those things pop culture history got wrong. I would also put the credit on Alfred Hitchcock Presents, which had macabre horror episodes. "Plus, I learned the general outline of the story at various places." http://stevenderosa.com/writingwithhitchcock/frenzy.html Are you talking about this outline? "Hitchcock never crossed that line, " Maybe not graphically. But there are references to necrophilia(in subtext) in some of his films. In Rebecca, Mr's Danver has an infatuation with the first Mr's Dewinter. Scottie wants to 'go to bed with a dead woman'(in Hitchcock's own words). After Marion's death, Sam is seen writing a love letter to her, oblivious to the fact that she's dead. But, it's all metaphorical. I've read that after Kaleidoscope was cancelled , he was depressed. Alma Reville invited Samuel Taylor and his wife for dinners and lunches, where Hitchcock talked about necrophilia. Maybe he was planning to push the envelope further. "The Short Night"(Hitchcock's final scripted film, unmade" I would like to know your thoughts on the script. I read it a long while ago and remember thinking it would make a good Hitchcock film. "I daresay Foster likely didn't enjoy reading THAT stuff." I have watched the Making Of Frenzy, where Foster says it was unpleasant, for both him(the irony!) and Barbara, to act out the rape scene and that they consoled each other before and after shooting. However, he liked acting in the rest of the movie. Him and Hitch became friends! As a side note, I've got a request for a future post. Can you write one on both obscure and non obscure Psycho influenced thrillers from the 60s and 70s? This idea was sparked by the following taglines I've come across in the past: "In the tradition of PSYCHO!"(from both the poster of Sweet Kill 1973,starring TAB HUNTER, and the cover of Goodbye Piccadilly farewell Leicester) "Enough screams to make even Hitchcock jump!"(from the poster of Twisted Nerve 1968) It would be good if you discussed the similarities and differences between the classic and the 'disciples'. Thank you. "From the readable pages of The First Frenzy, " If you don't mind, can you please send pictures of the pages over Google Drive or some other site. I'm afraid I can't help it. This unmade project intrigues me so much. "triggered to kill "near bodies of water."" That's a pretty weird motive for a serial killer, unless the killer is planning to dispose off the body immediately(a la Norman). According to some sources, Willie might have been a necrophile. "Lew Wasserman, once Hitchcock's protector and pal as an agent" Didn't he also suggest Kim Novak for Madeleine Elster? " (one called No Bail for the Judge had Audrey Hepburn, Laurence Harvey and John Williams on board before Hepburn bailed)" I wonder if there's a script for this one. Off topic: While reading the script for Mary Rose, I pictured Mr. Morland(Mary Rose' father) as John Williams for some reason. "based on real-life psycho killers who, frankly , performed far worse atrocities on screen than anything Hitchcock was willing to film." Absolutely. I've read about the case of Neville Heath from a book known as 'Handsome Brute: The True Story of a Ladykiller'. The segment's describing his murders are nauseating. What he did to those innocent women was extremely vile. Though the book is a very well researched interesting read, I would not recommend it. ""FORGET HITCHCOCK -- WE'VE GOT POLANSKI!" How mean. How sad." Really? I love Chinatown but that's plain recency bias. I would like this opportunity to say that the culture of bashing someone's else preferred entertainment to push one's own to the forefront is annoying. "One of the Hitchcock books(I can't remember which) had Truffaut's notes back to Hitchcock after he was allowed to read The First Frenzy script. " I think it was the Hitchcock Truffaut interview book. There's another book:- Alfred Hitchcock: A life in darkness and light, where this is also mentioned. "Now one for you(if you wish to respond): I have never read a script for Mary Rose. Where does one find this? Did you like it?" Here you go:-http://www.writingwithhitchcock.com/scripts/mary_rose.pdf I like the surrealistic vibe and the ideas he had(such as lighting a woman in green, like Madeleine in Vertigo). He even suggested it to Truffaut. It's sad that Universal didn't let him make these projects. They could have started a second golden age for Hitchcock - a gritty one marked by the overall grittiness and explicitness of 60s and 70s movies(Imagine Hitchcock directing Chinatown instead of Roman Polanski. Maybe we would get the story from both Noah Cross and Gittes' P.O.V. And the Mulwray's body would be the macguffin.) "Thus, men watching these two stories(made or unmade) need not feel fear -- only outrage at the attacks on women." I think I can agree on that. The rape scene from Frenzy was hard to sit through. I don't know how Hitchcock would have made us empathise with Willie, if the violence was going to be even more brutal than 'The Final Frenzy'. I really hated Bob Rusk after that scene. "(That said, in real life, male killers DO kill women for sexual reasons.)" If I remember, I think Hitchcock based Uncle Charlie on the Gorilla Man, who was a necrophile and sex murderer who killed women. Kind of make me wonder whether Uncle Charlie had sexual motivations. Or if Bob Rusk was a necrophile. "A few pages of the First Frenzy script can be read in Dan Auiler's book "Hitchcock's Notebooks." " Now, that's a book I really need to get. Hi. Hope I didn't disturb you. I made this account just to chat with you. I'm a big fan of your Hitchcock posts. "I've read portions of the First Frenzy script" Can you give me the source? I've read the scripts for Mary Rose and The Short Night, but not Kaleidoscope Frenzy. I desperately want it. Thanks for your contributions