MovieChat Forums > Kohbeh

Kohbeh (37)


So glad we are getting DC films for adults now This film will be forgotten about in a few weeks. And so the DCEU/Snyderverse ends on a whimper... Aquadud MAH MAN! Just got back from a final test screening! Leagues better than any Snyderverse DCEU film Should've crossed over with Nolan's Batman and Bay's Transformers I'm one of the lucky few Looks like all the Donner fanboys, Marvel fanboys and trolls View all posts >


Typical fanboy response! I'm not even a fan of AH. Film is a total dud. Bad writing all around. DCEU fanboys will find a way to blame everything else EXCEPT for the bad script Bump It was a suprise cameo. She might have slipped one out by accident Unfortunately yea Should've easily made 2b! I'm guessing you're a troll, Marvel fanboy and you like cheesy old superhero movies! Remove the DC fanboy goggles and see the film for what it really is! Seen it already. It was awful! View all replies >