LogicalLeftist's Posts

creepy movie chat user defends pedo Josh Duggar saying "he used his rights to watch a video" still holds up. almost every scene is hilarious upcoming movie Inside (2022) his mom sent out a robocall calling trans pedos, while defending her pedo son just released in 4k Something just doesn't seem right.... a plan for Luthor 1000000000000000X better than the one we saw. Ukraine has cost 0.09% of what Iraq and Afghanistan did. Where's the conservative outrage of those wars? why isn't he as famous as his dad? nothing memorable about this film "Young Generations Are Now Poorer Than Their Parents And It's Changing Our Economies" Nothing better than Drum rolling tobacco. Anyone else sick of the constant rich and powerful simping articles? Biden does 100% more to cripple china than Trump ever did the guys got talent Stricter gun laws will mean only the criminals will get guns and crime will increase Does any Republican truthfully, honestly believe Trump would have handled Ukraine better? "Superfan" panel amazon put together for the show didn't know basic crucial lore.