Cac1981's Replies

Makes perfect sense. Not hard to understand. LOL spoken like true loser. definitely rhetorical question. You're obviously just a frustrated basement dwelling incel who hates woman cause none will go anywhere near you. Also anyone who says "stand on business" is an automatic clown. Settle down angry little incel. Its just a movie You calling anyone at all worthless is hilariously ironic. Body of a 12 year old boy is right up your alley. Nice try magat. Move along You cant even add to 2? You poor fool. This is the second day this week ive been on here and second time in 6 months. My profile is right there. Are you really that stupid that you think you can make shit up when there is actual proof? Hahaha you delusional little virgin. You cant even add to 2? You poor fool. This is the second day this week ive been on here and second time in two months. My profile is right there. Are you really that stupid that you think you can make shit up when there is actual proof? Hahaha you delusional little virgin. Thats like me saying you followed me, stupid. Its called a back and forth. Again, Im not American you stupid clown. I hopes hes not your daddy unless incest is your thing. And, you being a no-toothed hillbilly, it would make sense. Try and deflect from the fact yo can't read though hahahahahahaha Didn't follow you anywhere. Your unhinged incel ass is on every thread on this site, glazing the sexual assaulter. 2 days in a row is hardly a week. Are you too stupid to know that there are 7 days in a week? Put me on ignore cause I proved how stupid you are. Go back to whacking off to trump. Not my fault you have the reading comprehension of a 5 year old. I didnt "basically imply" anything. Either you dont know how to read or you are trying to make my words fit your narrative. Either way, it's proof you are an absolute fool! Do you think calling young me is an insult?? LOLOL. I'm 42 but thanks, I'll take it!! Its 7:30 am where you are and youre already on this board.. you have no life whatsoever. You probably just stayed up all night jerking off to trump and ranting on boards. I actually feel bad for you now. Learn to read, stupid. I just said human trash like you are the reason women dont come forward. Nowhere did i mention Vince's accuser. Get some reading comprehension cletus. I am not american you fuckin moron. Better than wanting to suck his dick. You spend your whole life 24/7 on a MOVIE board babbling about a piece of human trash. Im on here once every 6 months or so. i have numerous posts, you have 100's you unhinged piece of white trash. Thanks for stalking me though, do you have a crush on me too? You thinking you are a rational adult is hilariously ironic. You spend your life on a movie board glazing trump and trying to tie him in to every thread on here. Just say you wanna suck his cock and move on. When did i Say he was guilty. Too stupid to read? Again stupid. I was born in the early 80's. Thats your only comeback ever. You parrot. Keep saying zoomer over and over maybe it will make me younger! You're too dumb to think of anything else. People like you ARE the problem, but your stupid hillbilly ass is too ignorant. Im sure being an icel virgin is tough so you have to lash out at women and jerk off to trump. Must be a tough life. But if you went out into the real world every now and then, things could change for you!