MovieChat Forums > r433333

r433333 (8)


Here's a challenge: Convince me vegans are wrong View all posts >


It really is difficult to determine what's right and wrong in that regard. Having people force their beliefs on you is very annoying, but honestly, some beliefs kinda are worth forcing on others. Convincing people to go vegan can literally save lives. If you saw someone killing an animal on the street, you'd tell them they're doing a bad thing, right? That would be you forcing your beliefs on them, but that's a situation where it's OK. Eating meat isn't really different, the only difference is you're paying someone else to kill animals. I'd argue meat eaters kinda force their beliefs on others, as their beliefs force animals to die. I am clearly nowhere near as deep as you, so it will be very difficult to answer. But I think anything that unnecessarily hurts anyone is wrong. It's OK if the pros outweigh the cons. For example, it's OK to kill a human or animal if they're trying to kill you or someone else, or if you're stranded on a desert island, and there's nothing else to eat. But what does that prove? It actually proves that vegans are right, that meat and animal products are unnecessary, since you can get everything you need from supplements and vegan food. I don't think that's proof though. Vegans are saying meat and animal products are unnecessary, which they are, since you can get everything you need from supplements and vegan food. What's wrong with taking supplements? It's cheaper and quicker than eating meat. What's wrong with taking supplements? It's cheaper and quicker than eating meat. Because meat tastes good, nobody denies that. Nobody deserves to die for taste. View all replies >