MovieChat Forums > parkerbot

parkerbot (6183)


Available On DVD Through the Decades Movie Collections Banned From A Restaurant Boeing Starliner Launch, Delayed, Again Actors That Are Not Memorable Welles' Take On Josef K's Innocence or Guilt Real Life Martha Interview With Piers Morgan Kowalski™ Sightings? Sack of Shit Paula Vennells Sheds Crocodile Tears Christmas In May View all posts >


No. Glutton who will eat anything, at least once. That's a tough one. The Guess Who and The Kinks come to mind but they've got dead original members so no cookie for me. ABBA is close but missed it by a year or so. Other than that, can't think of anyone other than Count Dracula and His Undead Minions of Funk but they're technically not alive so I don't think that counts. No, she's a host on The View. Get with it man! I found the original audio to that event: If someone said it was created by AI to generate ad revenue, I would not be surprised. How about Kowalski's Big Load of Joy? Checks out. He just bleached his eyes after reading your pun. Captain Kirk was the best captain but not always the smartest. Don't make me unleash the Kirk on you. Too late. I like how your puns are spiraling into longer and longer ones. Reminds me of how Robert Crumb went insane with his notebooks. Oh, I almost forgot... View all replies >