
Luffy (837)


Get creative. What's your race's scientific name? One to watch An IMDB post from 2006 Ronald Reagan vs George W. Bush 10th year anniversary message of a post from IMDB What was the Oldest Civilisation on Earth? Post You Created with the most number of Replies? Movies after the year 2000 that remind you of the 70s Superman Legacy : The casting of Lois Lane Anybody here who works out? View all posts >


Maybe by statuesque you mean chiselled? Carrie Fisher was immensely beautiful in the 70s. Haha! Someone needs to make that movie. Yes, I would rather watch a romcom between He man and She Ra. You're right. Spielberg is mentioned in the same breath as Cronenberg, De Palma, Wes Craven and so on. That rating is hardly enforced outside of its theatrical release. Don't worry, by the time the Australian girls' nipples turn back to their original Aryan pink, your family line will be phased out due to natural selection. The Marine Biologist. Notice that you never mention RT in your little rant. It wouldn't be okay if you learned something from a RT critic. Right. Did you know that the first enemies to lovers trope in history happened when raging hordes of mongols bred Russian and Ukrainian women like cattle? The same Ukrainians you seem to find so hot. Guess beggars can't be choosers. If they wanted to highlight India's darker traditions, they should have shown thugs strangle people, or set up the special effects for a Sati burning. The unfortunate explanation is that they needed to entertain kids with yucky gastronomy and also provide chuckles for relatively easily pleased people. View all replies >