BrandNewPoster's Replies

I still watch it. last week's episode of Grey's Anatomy. If you have a childlike sense of humour and go with the premise, this is a lot of fun. The kids are cute and there are some funny moments. I enjoyed seeing the kids acting like police and the girls dressed up acting like high powered businesswomen. It's silly and wacky, but I dug it. 7/10 is my rating. The password is password. This is really silly, but I'm kind of digging it. Is it wrong that I enjoyed little Ariel Winter punching other kids? Opposite Day. Kids and adults switch personalities. It's pretty cute and funny so far. I laughed out loud at the little girl babysitter with a shirt that said "Will sit for babies." Films don't have to make sense to be entertaining and fun. It's best not to think too much about it and just go with it. Honestly, I'm enjoying it so far. The kids dressed up like police, fire fighters, and office workers was pretty amusing. Looks like a cinematic masterpiece. I will have to check it out. Right now. She's beautiful, but I don't really care for the outfit. That's typical of Hollywood picking on sharks. Why can't the shark be the good guy for once? I'll pass on this anti-shark propaganda. Interesting ideas, but the execution is so-so. I liked Toby Smith's performance. 6/10 is my rating. The men's locker room. Do you actually believe I am really 12 years old? You can't tell me what to do! You're not my real dad! Watching now. The main woman in this is pretty cute. I'm 12 and a half. Moviechat.