MovieChat Forums > Catsaregods

Catsaregods (136)


Zionist piece of shit! Is God gay? Why is every far-right lunatic obsessed with Israel? Massa or Milei? Do you still buy DVDs/Blu-rays? Which one had the biggest cock? Zionist prick Why do some people refuse to believe in climate change? What's the point? Why are cats so adorable? Psycho vs Rear Window View all posts >


Fuck Hamas(which the Israeli government helped to fund anyway lol), but fuck the Israeli government just as much for killing thousands of innocent children. If he were God, he wouldn't exist. So you're saying that little Palestinian children deserve to die? Wow, you're disgusting! This war is exposing to the world how sick some of the people in the West are. They don't give a shit about children dying, unless they're white Western kids. Israel doesn't have legal gay marriage. They only recognize marriages performed abroad. Me too! Scream 6 was my least favorite movie in the franchise. No Sidney, characters surviving unrealistic stabbings, that ridiculous shrine thing. There's even a Seinfeld episode where he jokes about seeing the cleavage of a 15 year-old. This guy should be in jail! Which is sad, because innocent children are dying and you guys prefer sucking up to a rich Zionist asshole. Islam only exists thanks to Judaism. If anything, Judaism is the biggest contributer to homophobia in the world. The Old Testament(which Jews wrote!) is the biggest reason why homophobia still exists in the Western World to this day. Also, Israel is killing innocent children! Children don't give a shit about religion or ideology, they don't even know what's happening when they're being killed. By the way, Israel is far from being a gay-friendly place. Only 36% of Israelis support gay marriage, which is even lower than India! You can be a Jew and not be a supporter of the ethnic cleansing currently happening. Not a movie star, but I can't stand watching anything with Jerry Seinfeld anymore, he's just so smug and pretentious. View all replies >