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Breeze (113)


Season 2 E 23 (Race Ipsa): HORRIBLE Error in the Law View all posts >


Arthur C. Clarke is one of my all time favorite writers, and this is an impressive book, but in the words of the poet: EVERY piece of art has a fatal flaw. You've correctly identified one of the biggest, here. Interesting, because Clarke is clearly a Smart Dude, and *clearly* put a lot of thought into this. Shrug. Ah well. If you tilt your head & squint, you can make the argument that the Monolith tweaked the proto-humans just enough that they evolved more efficiently than all the other competition in the biome, and developed at precisely the right time to precisely the correct effect. Again: shrug. Interesting concept; entertaining development of that concept. There is SO much misinformation and outright lies being pumped out, but this one is particularly easy to debunk. NO, Bragg did NOT do any such thing. You're conflating him with Letitia James, who *did* make this promise. It gets better: Bragg is the guy who got PILLORIED because when he was elected, he opted NOT to charge Trump, even though his predecessor had teed up a case and was all ready to go. At the time, this was seen as so egregious, that two lawyers in the DA's office QUIT. Conclusion: you're (yet another) idiot spreading lies, sourced directly from your ridiculous echo chamber. Go sit down somewhere; you're embarrassing yourself. 1) You're mistaken. I'm NOT saying that's why they behave the way they do. . .I'm saying We Don't Know; we CAN'T know, but even if you DID apply human logic, the complaint still fails. You're having trouble understanding this: essentially, I'm saying the complaint is absurd either way. 2) You have no idea what you saw. What their level of tech is, how it manifests, what the appearance is, what the aliens look like au naturel, etc. 3) YOU DON'T KNOW what their intelligence level is. Are they scientists? Lost explorers? Last dregs of a vanished race? Interstellar truckers? YOU DON'T KNOW. Incredible you can't grasp this concept. 4) No. Just. . .no: If you got arrested for murdering someone in a bowling alley, and fled to Australia, and got caught, and got put on a jet back to Chillicothe, Ohio to stand trial, and the jet crashed in the outback, and you escaped and went into the outback and started terrorizing natives with a machine gun you found on board because an exotic arms dealer happened to be smuggling a crate of them on that same plane. . .does that mean you know ANYTHING about jet planes, machine guns, navigation, physics, or ANYTHING? (Hint: NO) The complaint is ABSURD. Whether you can understand that simple fact or not. Okay, try this: 1) They're ALIEN. You're attempting to layer Human perceptions/motivations on them. 2) What makes you think they're "unprepared?" 3) We ABSOLUTELY do explore danger w/o regard for personal safety. Or, with what *some* would consider reckless disregard. I would personally NEVER eat fugu; many do. See how that works? 4) They're Alien. We have no idea what their situation/preparation/capabilities are. It's a silly objection. Really. Dunno how to better explain it. If you wanted/needed a sentient race, for [X] reason, and (do the math:) you could search Just Our Galaxy for HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF YEARS and not find any, your objections make No Sense. Period. You could as usefully say: why do human beings explore dangerous jungles? Or arctic tundra? Or unforgiving deserts? Or ocean depths that could crush you? Or eat fugu? Etc, etc, etc. . . LMAO I'm bored enough to respond to this, and the complaint is pervasive enough. Simply: Space is VAST. Like really, Really, REALLY big. Like, there's a mind-bendingly huge number of stars out there. Now, consider the fact that each star has at least one planet, and in most cases (probably) several. SO: multiply that previous already huge number by a factor of (X). In that ridiculously large universe of planets, do you know how many signs of intelligent life we've found? [Hint: NONE.] Conclusion: even if an alien civilization COULD achieve space travel w/significant reach, the odds of encountering intelligent life would be Vanishingly Small. More to the point conclusion: Once they DID find what they were looking for, the presence of water would NOT be a deterrent. See how that works? Okay. In this inflectionless medium, it's tough to tell if you're being serious, but that is (of course) ridiculous. Take a look at the court transcripts; it's free and simple to do. The man is a sociopath; and definitely guilty. Not just of these charges, mind you. . .MULTIPLE others. You're a clown. And likely a sociopath. Your statement that he was "wrongfully accused" and that this is some sort of victory for guys that actually ARE innocent is the worst kind of dogs#!t. If anyone actually bothers to read the decision, he WASN'T innocent. A couple of morally/intellectually challenged judges decided some of the testimony shouldn't have been allowed, so they threw out the conviction on procedural grounds. NOT because the testimony was false, mind you. . .but that it shouldn't have been allowed to be presented. If you think this is some sort of "victory" for "justice," I'll repeat: You're a sociopath. All of which is besides the point. The case Will be retried, he Will be convicted again. Because he IS a sexual predator, and a sociopath. Which (apparently) you are comfortable with. Unsurprising. My favorite food cities: 1) New York (by a country mile) 2) Tokyo 3) San Francisco 4) Paris This hasn't changed for about the past 20 years. . . View all replies >