JohnySins's Replies

I don't think so.Biden has proved himself as worthless politician.He is weakest and most stupid president in last 100 years.He can do nothing in both domestic and foreign policies.Wars and conflicts in all over the world like war in Ukraine or Israel-Hamas war began during his reign.When Trump was a president both in USA and another countries was peace,there were many workplaces,the oil price was low for Russia and China,because of oil production in the USA,and Putin's regime was not so stable as now.Trump was increasing economical,industrial,military,working and social power of the USA,Biden destroys it.Biden is cucoldic.This cucold even can not retaliate islamistic terrorist organizations in Yemen,Lebanon,Iraq,Syria and Iran,who attack US bases. Israel has right to defend itself from orks, who attacked it and killed 1400 people, among whom were children, oldmen, women. Hamas is not combatant organization, it is satanistic ork unhuman terrorist group and many people in Gaza, who were laughing, when they saw attacks of orks on israeli villages now are getting what they deserve. Israel does not have tolerance unlike european countries or Canada. It is good and healthy democratic state, not cucoldic and tolerastic. India, China, Myanmar, Japan and USA have the cure for islamists/jihadists and other barmaleinian humanlooking persons(i don't mean normal muslims,who condemn islamists and terrorists like hamas, hesbollah, iranian political regime, talibans, isis and other orks). Europe should wake up, or it will be big massacre in nearest future in european cities. As one clever muslim said that people who go to Europe from islamic countries are mostly criminals, maniacs, terrorists and freeloaders. They don t want work and study, they want to get money from cucoldic european governments, they want to rape european women and other bad things. When Trump was a president, Putin did not attack Ukraine. When Trump was president, US Air Force attacked Putin's private military company "Wagner" mercenaries in Syria. Wheb Trump was a president overturned Obama's veto on military deliveries into Ukraine and Ukraine got anti tank missile launchers Javelin and maybe anti aircraft missile complexes like Stinger, which helped in repelling russian tank and helicopter atacks inder Kiev, Symi and Kharkov. Now it's called FSB, but despite the name change, it is the same chekist organization) + 15 roubles, Prigozhin`s troll) Where did you see fascists in Ukraine? ) In russian propaganda TV in tv programms of Kiselev and Soloviev or in videos of such persons as Scott Ritter?) There are no nazis in Ukraine, even Azov is not nazi, they are patriots, maybe nationalistic, but not nazi unlike Russia paramilitary groups like Wagner, Rusich or RNE, who are real nazis and there are many skinheads and hitlerlovers in that grous. I noticed it. When Trump was president, Putin didn't envade into Ukraine. But after inauguration of Biden and after their meeting in Switzerland he began to draw troops more actively to the russia-ukraine borderlines. Republicans like McCain, Romney, Trump and others knew that about chekist menace and who people like Putin are. This is not usual darkness, which we know as absence of light. This is another, so called "darkness". I suppose that was essence, which they called "darkness", but really it was kind of infernal satanic artifical intelligence, but of mystical origin, which could take different forms, shapes and manage humans and read their thoughts and wishes. Like SkyNet of Terminator but mystical and magical. And this essence could use its powers only in spaces with absence of light. Maybe Satan/Devil was Creator and Administrator of this essence, so called "Darkness".And this is satanic project for occupation of Earth.The project was very succesfull and evil forces conquered Earth. Snake egg is alluding to Antichrist, who will destroy the world. Yes. You're right. I don't understand when somebody writes here about "Lovecraftian movie", there is not Lovecraftian movie, this is apocalyptic horror about satanic dark forces. When Regina and Carlos read the book, there was inscription " Satan" at the bottom of the temple/house blueprint. And the first picture in the book was about the battle God VS Satan. So, Satan wins in this movie. I don t agree with you) Things you re talking about is Apocalypse of Our Universe. This is end of all, of matter, of time, of space. This is state of nothingness. That essence which called "darkness", is just satanic Artifical Intelligence but it has mystical origin, not computer origin and which can manage human thoughts and feelings and make necessary process for dark revolution on the Earth and overthrow God's power for Satan's reign, it works in dark places, where there is no light and takes different forms of different humans and it uses human's fears and maybe feeds on their fears. Real darkness is absence of light. That thing, that they called "darkness" is satanic, infernal, demonic essence or AI which has the purpose to eliminate the light of God and bring hell into Earth. And if it will be Apocalypse, what you re writing about, it will be also the end of that "darkness" and that evil forces. And it will be nothing. No good, no evil. This is allusion on birth of Antichrist, who will destroy our world and will bring darkness and hell into Earth.