MovieChat Forums > taz1988

taz1988 (3)



Hi Smidge, I loved the charisma between Julie March & Ben as well. It was too bad Julie Sommars left the show when it moved from ABC to NBC, and they moved the filming from the west coast to the east coast. That is when they lost Nancy Stafford (Michelle Thomas) as well. Andy Griffith did an interview with the Television Academy Foundation in 95 and he mentioned how (after season 7) the show left ABC for NBC and decided to move filming from the west coast to the east coast. Griffith, at first decided to leave the show because many of the cast members lived in Los Angeles where the previous filming was. NBC then offered to rent him a home in Wilmington, NC, where filming was being relocated & Griffith decided to accept the offer, however, moving from the west coast to Wilmington was not something either Nancy Stafford or Julie Sommers wanted to do, so they left the show. That is why season 8 introduced Leanne McIntyre as Ben's 2nd daughter. I noticed you are a fan of Clarence Gilyard Jr.. I am too. Conrad McMasters was one of my fave characters. I imagine that is why he left the show for WTR as well. Since he'd already relocated, I imagine leaving NC for Dallas would not have been too much of a big deal, especially since Gilyard's role in WTR was more substantial. Hi Melmel, I was so happy to see this forum! Matlock is a fabulous show & I'm a huge fan! I've watched it for years & I've seen almost all the episodes many - *many* times. The only ones I don't really care for as much are the later episodes that have the character, Billy Lewis. He's so annoying! LOL! Andy Griffith is so charming, even if Matlock can sometimes come off as a cheapskate (LOL) Griffith is still so charismatic you don't really care about it. ;) I was commenting on a comment earlier and mentioned an episode of season 9 episode 3: "The Dare"... if you haven't seen this episode, you really have to. It's incredible! Easily one of the best episodes of all time! Another fabulous episode is Season 1 episode 2: "The Judge" with Dick Van Dyke. OMG! It's incredibly fantastic as well. Anyhow, so cool tgo see this forum. I'd love to chat about the show sometime. :D Taz Hi GreenGoblins, Actually, you're incorrect regarding Brynn Thayer. She did not play the role of the lawyer in Season 2 episode 4, "The Nightmare"; that was Nancy Stafford, who joined the cast in that episode as Michelle Thomas. Brynn Thayer played his 2nd daughter, Leanne, who joined the cast in season's 7-8 (Linda Purle played the 1st daughter. Charlene. in season 1). Also, if you didn't watch season 9 episode 3, "The Dare", then you are missing out on one of the very best episodes of the entire series. A millionaire philanthropist "dares" Matlock to solve a murder *he* is going to commit!! It is really a terrific episode! Anyhow, just wanted to correct on the Brynn Thayer comment... I'm a huge fan of the show and think all seasons are great, although I do agree earlier seasons are better. I especially liked Julie Sommers and Conrad and hated the Billy Lewis character. with equal sentiment. He was so annoying! View all replies >