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Thegrappler (4)


Flory dory dance View all posts >


Spread wide apart due to the fleas still attacking her. The coup de grace occurs when sue shuts the lights and centers the spotlight on her derrière and nether regions. She was the star of the show! Now sue released the fleas who swarmed right to Darlene, and the monkey was getting bored so he found a straight pin in the dress, the music starts and Darlene goes out with head held high. At the first turn she gets a sharp pain in the ass from the monkeys pin and she screams and jumps in the air. All of a sudden she gets this horrid itch inside her bra and panties and she starts writhing and wiggling and shaking her ass. She recovers and continues the dance until the next jab and now the monkey has been invaded by the fleas as well and starts a primal screech and the audience is roaring as they all think it’s Darlene making the grunt noise. As Darlene turns the monkeys tail pops out the back off the dress, now the crowd is roaring and taking videos. The itching and the stabbing of the pin in her ass and the fact that the other ladies told Darlene that she had a tail, causes her to jump out of the bottom of the dress, forgetting about the crowd. The problem is that the monkey grabbed onto her panties and pulled them off as she jumped out of the dress. Now she is bottomless naked showing the whole town her landing strip. She tries to run off stage but the ladies block her and told her no way, you are finishing this dance. All of a sudden, the fleas get inside her bra and start biting mercilessly.Darlene is shaking and shimmying,until she couldn’t take it any longer,.She immediately rips her top off and starts itching inside her bra, which only pisses off the fleas and causes her nipples to get rock hard, finally she cannot take it any longer and she rips off her bra, the crowd is going crazy, now a little relieved, she realizes that she is totally nude in front of the whole town . Still blocked by the ladies she boils for the back curtain to get off that way, but sue is ahead of her and lowers the heavy curtain , Darlene gets halfway under until the weight of the curtain stops her in her tracks. She is now on her knees with her ass facing the audience and her legs Spankys mom is in charge of the community amateur show at the local high school. Of course she’s a tyrant, demanding bitch and all the female moms are fed up with her. The show had been going off without a hitch until Darlene ( Spankys mom) noticed the Flory Dory Dancers were not there and that was the shows finale. She announces to all of the ladies backstage that they would replace the flory dory girls. The other moms started protesting vehemently as they didn’t know the dance, to which Darlene replied “I know it and I’m the best dancer in this whole town, further pissing off the other moms. All you have to do is follow me and do exactly what I do. Then Darlene tells the moms to grab a bustle dress and put it on, also telling Sue and Mandy that they are too fat to fit into the dress so they were out. Now enraged Sue had an idea she told Mandy that her son’s science class was studying insects, she said we will humiliate that bitch once and for all. Sneaking into the classroom, the two moms gathered insect pheromone and a large jar of angry fleas. But by accident they opened the cage to the monkey who immediately bolted. Going back to the backstage area sue saw Darlene’s underwear laid out as she was in the bathroom putting makeup on , the girls couldn’t believe their luck , and promptly sprayed huge amounts of the pheromone inside her sexy lace bra and sheer panties. Then they mptied the bottle into her dress bottom which was on the floor and her top which was on a hanger. They could not wait for the dance. Meanwhile, the janitor was chasing the monkey all over the place and the monkey finally hid out in Darlene’s bustle skirt. Darlene couldn’t wait to make her theatrical appearance and become a hit, hit. Sue and Mandy told the five other girls of their plan and they were on board totally, saying Darlene will be ttottally disgraced, and agreeing that they would not let her off the stage. Time for the dance and the 6 ladies were in formation, Darlene was leading of View all replies >