MovieChat Forums > mergaqui

mergaqui (113)


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Does he have alimony payments or something? A lot of it probably has to do with the buzz it creates due to the controversy. All advertising is good advertising. I don't quite understand it either but he must be doing something right if he has a number of the highest grossing movies of all time. That last silly Thor movie did a whole lot better than this movie. R2-D2 has adblockers installed. Why get rid of Cavill to get a guy that looks just like Cavill? Wasn't that the only time we've seen them amputate to stop the transmission? If it worked on Herschel it seems like they would do it on everyone who is bit on a limb. I thought I read something about it being a reboot. So if there is a special bacteria in the zombies is this bacteria what turns people into zombies in the first place? If so then antibiotics should be able to clear up not just those who are bitten but those with the latent infection as well. View all replies >