MovieChat Forums > BuckleBilly

BuckleBilly (416)


Wow Early 2000's comedy Snack and Beverage Late sequels Crowd funded, well shot, but mixed This is cute and impressive Check the expiration date. Good day for Toad Best proposal in a horror movie Rando quote : "Try this! Kim you snotty little pig..." Rando quote "Have fun stormin' da castle." View all posts >


Yep. I looked it up. He was a youtuber who did short sketches. I think that's a better spot for the character. Onix The Fortuitous One and the Talisman of Souls: 5/10 - low budget, great look, main character wasn't as fun as the director hoped he would be. Victor Crowley: 6/10- The proposal was played perfectly by the actress. Any movie with Melissa rose getting fully in touch with her cell phone (inside and out) deserves respect Butt Boy 5/10 - the filmwork and lighting was good. The writing had issues. That's all. I'm no fan. I used to own it and decided that on the third viewing, It wasn't for me. I dropped it off at half price books after that. That was poorly delivered but fun to hear. I dislike it but it's a cult flick. It's intentionally bad with catchy writing. Don't expect me to watch it though. Tim knows why: Deadpool Now you're moving the goalpost and assuming it is immoral. It's not. Your customers are responsible for their own well being, obesity is reversible, and the thousands you employ are far better off with jobs than without. If you feel guilty, just reinvest the billions into things you think will help (as most billionaires do). Make the cookies and sell them. No moral issue. People have free will. Alien romulus The coin flip is probably the most intense scene. We know too much. Great character. View all replies >