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filmflaneur (453)


One in six children sexually abused in Jesus Army cult Why would an all-good deity deliberately create evil (misfortune)? Judge delays sentencing in Defendant Donald's hush-money case Is anyone here who is not white and male? Harris likely to win! Earth will stop spinning. Old indian man attacked and killed on an allotment by a gang of youths (whites) in England Fan edit or the real thing Defendant Donald faces revised 2020 election interference charges 10 Little Known Facts About the Bible View all posts >


Now you've recognised the problem, don't vote for him... So just a bit of a dictator then? Defendant Donald has also been campaigning on retaliation, retribution and vengeance against his opponents. <blockquote>called [Trump]a “threat to democracy”</blockquote> But, er, didn't Defendant Donald say that his victory would be a "dictatorship from day one" and that, for some, this "would be the last time they would have to vote?" Is that because Defendant Donald is working overtime to keep up in the race? I found my last cat buried in my back garden! Oh, wait.... Hey, where are all the False Flag conspiracists when such a golden opportunity presents itself? <blockquote>But those who cross our borders illegally, and murder our pets and wildlife </blockquote> Something insisted on but not proven, in fact denied by local officials and only confirmed by fake news (images and videos of animal cruelty with no real attribution other than supposition)... <blockquote>I judge them by data and behavior.</blockquote> You mean the data you choose to accept and the stereotyped behaviour which informs your habitual fallacy of composition? <blockquote>Obsolete scientific notion like IQ?</blockquote> No, of 'race'. <blockquote>Criticizing needless importation of bad behaving ethnic groups</blockquote>,some%20part%20of%20the%20whole. <blockquote>Again with repeating the idea group differences aren't likely but providing no evidence for it.</blockquote> The evidence is that there are some differences but they are not significant. Only perhaps for those who wish to exaggerate based on an agenda of prejudice. <blockquote>Brown migrants are a cost. </blockquote> Please see our previous exchanges. Even your preferred sources said, after some positives. that the negative was .. slight. Others had a more positive overall conclusion. <blockquote>I don't support needlessly being mean to someone over their race if there is no cost in not discriminating. If there is a cost,</blockquote> The cost of hatred towards minorities can be seen in the riots. The cost inherent in unequal societies is well known both from history and economics. eg a decrease in the standard of living for low‐income earners, increased tax burden on existing tax payers, deterioration of the budget deficit, and restriction on economic growth; civil disorder (which you yourself attribute to a perception of unfairness ) etc. More data about inequality in the States: (All lies of course, or is it 'Woke propaganda', blacks and the other ungrateful just hypocritically moaning when white are clearly the worse off? You tell us) <blockquote>The argument "either respect us or go back" is a perfectly valid one.</blockquote> Apart from it being inherent crude, divisive, impractical, simplistic ... and founded in white supremacism and racism. <blockquote>So do you agree that in future you will become known as part of the one generation who got everything right for all time?</blockquote> Sarcasm noted. And nobody is right all the time - not even the racists on this board, whose time belongs in the past. View all replies >