MovieChat Forums > Shop Talk Directors > Is shooting a feature film on a Canon re...

Is shooting a feature film on a Canon rebel, a bad idea?

Basically when it comes to filmmaking, I tend to be cheap on the cameras. I spend more money on sound, lighting, getting the best actors I can, and getting the best art direction and locations I can. Things like that.

Right now, I only have a T2i camera, with 3 lenses. A 70-200, a 50mm, and a 24mm.

However, is shooting a feature Canon rebel, that you want to get noticed and hopefully get picked up, a bad idea?

I've looked up features shot on DSLR's and almost all of them are shot full frame, with cinema lenses, so I would be taking it down some notches, by shooting on an APS-C sensor, without cinema lenses. But I was thinking the budget could still go towards other things, but how necessary is full frame, with cinema lenses, do you think? I was thinking of upgrading to the T6i, but I would like to keep my lenses, so money can go towards other things in the budget.

What do you think?


You shooting anything on any type of camera is a bad idea. You should try your hand at other things. Take up angling or something.
