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Democrats: The Party of Racists and Slanderers

They've been slandering Trump as a "racist" since his run for president, obviously trying to get people of color to not support him (because they desperately NEED their votes). Well, let's see what smart, freethinking people of color (as opposed to braindead Libs) really have to say about Trump and his kick-axx presidency:


Sorry, I think you've got that mixed up with t-Rump. Who said "send those people back to their shithole countries, among other racist things. t-Rump is a racist, homophobic, miscoginistic creep!!!


He didn't say that.


He certainly did. I heard it on the news several days ago.
White House appears to confirm Donald Trump 's***hole countries' comments


I think you've got that mixed up with t-Rump. Who said "send those people back to their shithole countries, among other racist things. t-Rump is a racist, homophobic, miscoginistic (sic) creep!!!

Did you watch the video I provided, which showed several intelligent people of color -- as the Left calls them -- who support Trump & his wise policies? I myself am part-Abenaki. This shows that the President is obviously not "racist" (rolling my eyes). Interestingly, Trump was not branded a "racist" until he ran against Hillary & the Dems.

As far as "homophobic" goes, prove it with reliable sources. You strike me as straightphobic, truthphobic and Christphobic. See how easy it is to make up words and use them as weapons to slander people?

As far as "miscoginistic" goes, I'm assuming you mean misogynistic. Actually, Trump has hired an astounding number of women for senior-level positions in the White House, beating the previous three presidents:


If you look up the handbook "rules for radicals" by Saul Alinsky, they follow it to the letter, and their behavior makes much more sense. Looking up the tactics of Stalin and the Nazi party's intimidation tactics and "transforming of society" would also make more sense when you compare them to what the Democraps are doing right now.


Thanks AmeriGirl. :)


