MovieChat Forums > Politics > So far Trump has wasted over $110 millio...

So far Trump has wasted over $110 million playing golf almost every weekend

"I'm going to be working for you. I'm not going to have time to go play golf."

Trump supporters are hypocrites. They complain loudly that Democrats waste taxpayer's money on whatever but are silent about Trump wasting money on golfing. Just imagine how many homeless veterans and other Americans in need could be helped with that $110 million.


Lets get that $500m back that Obuma gave to Iran and then we can give it to homeless Veterans and other Americans in need.


Whataboutism, also known as whataboutery, is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument. It is particularly associated with Soviet and Russian propaganda. - Wikipedia

That money belonged to Iran and Obama had no choice but to return it. I'm sure you know this as your claim has been routinely debunked. You just couldn't come up with anything else to defend Trump's wasteful golfing excursions so you trashed Obama instead.


"But her EMAILS!!!"

"OK, so what about Ivanka's emails?"

"What Ivanka did is fine because I like her and her party but I don't like Hillary and her party!"

That last line is essentially what the Trumpers are thinking, even if they won't come right out and say it. That can be applied to ALL of their whataboutisms, really.


Typical Trump supporter logic.


Congrats on using the Hasty Generalization fallacy.



PS: It's quite scary the amount of Trumpers who seem fully open and willing to embrace Russia/North Korea-style of government. Do they even know that's what they're doing or are they just that fcking ignorant? I honestly think it's a mixture of both, depending upon the IQ of each Trumper.


Not only was it Iran's own money, but 80% of it was outside the US. There was no possible way we could get our hands on that money if we wanted to.


Donald Trump is right: The U.S. did pay Iran $1.7 billion in cash.

You are ok with us, being Obuma giving Iran 1.7 billion dollars? This was pallets of cash. Where did this come from? You do know that Iran is the #1 sponsor of terrorism and wants to destroy us off the face of the planet?

But lets be more concerned if it cost Trump 100 million to golf. This number is arbitrary anyways as no one knows how much it costs.


That’s such an old, debunked Fox conspiracy theory. You can do better than that.


So...what are you trying to say, exactly? That, because Obama or *insert any name you want here* gave x amount of $$$ to x amount of places that...what? That Donald isn't answerable, accountable or responsible for his own waste of money? Is that what you're trying to say here? Sure seems that way.

Say--I should be able to rob a bank AND get away with it because a few other people have, right?

Oh, and why don't I just go and key someone's car because someone I don't know keyed mine once and got away it.


I mean--how else does one interpret such a moronic piece of reasoning as yours?

This seems to be the go-to pastime for Trumpers: when Trump does something wrong, bring up another president who did this and that and...leave it at that. Well, shucks--if we go by yours and other Trumper's logic, we'd never hold ANYONE accountable for ANYTHING because SOMEONE did SOMETHING already.

I'd flat out call you a troll right now but here's the rub: MANY Trumpers defend Trump this way so you very well could be serious which is just frightening.

I tell you what, Bubba--when our next democratic president does something, you WILL hear from many people: "Well, Trump did it, too!" and you won't like it when you hear that.

And that's how it goes. And that's why the whole world laughs at our country.


Lets get that $500m back that Obuma gave to Iran
Why didn't Trump get that money back when he ended the Iran deal?

You mean to tell me Trump ended the Iran deal allowing Iran to build nuclear weapons AND keep their money?

What a master negotiator! LOOOOOOL!


Trump is a complete imbecile and an embarrassment to our country. He proves this every day.



The sad part is that Trumpers not only won't see it this way, they'll just double down and blame Obama more, absolving Trump of everything.

Hell, they'd probably absolve Trump of being fat by saying: "McDonalds and Burger King shouldn't be so good, so it's THEIR fault for tempting our poor god, Trump!"

They'd make excuses for his horrid rat's nest hairstyle with: "It's not his fault he lost his hair! Our dear and BRAVE god, Trump, is just fighting it as best as he can!".

He could kick a cat 10 feet and his base would just say: "Dumb cat shouldn't have walked in front of him!".

NEVER is Trump at fault for ANYTHING in their minds. NEVER.




Remember when Republicans were angry for Obama spending Christmas in Hawaii? They thought it was a waste of taxpayers money!


Yet they say nothing about Donald's many wastes of our money.

I've actually seen Trumpers demonize Obama for his golfing while defending Trump's golfing in the same statement.

Here is a real quote that I remember from a Trumper:

"So what! Trump has been doing so much good for our country! If he wants to take a rest and golf every weekend then that's fine with me! Obama didn't do anything for us!"

Yeah, Obama didn't do anything for us. Sure, he pulled us out of a Bush-caused recession but that's "nothing". OBVIOUSLY...

Gotta love the double standard. Personally, I hated how often Obama golfed. I said so online. NO president should be doing that much golfing and certainly not on taxpayer's dime. Trumpers have a very selective feeling in this area, apparently. PATHETIC.


Remember when Republicans were in an uproar over Obama wearing a tan suit ? Too bad they're not as angry with T-rump asking Ukraine to interfere with our elections.


Yeah, it actually unnerves me how apparently NONE of them care about this Ukraine matter. They're so dumb that they don't realize that, if donald could do something like this to Biden, what's to stop him from doing this to other Americans? He's an American president who asked a foreign power to help him harm a private American citizen he's supposed to serve. This should bother EVERYONE.

I guess they're just so goddamn partisan that they don't even think about the ramifications of this.


Obama played Golf often too. Why does he get a pass?


Obama didn't get a pass. Trump and other Republicans cried nonstop about Obama playing golf when he was in office. So far Trump has played much more golf and wasted much more taxpayer's money than Obama did in his first three years as president. Anyway, why can't you Trump supporters come up with a better argument than "What about Obama?"

Whataboutism, also known as whataboutery, is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument. It is particularly associated with Soviet and Russian propaganda. - Wikipedia


So you're saying that it's okay for Obama to do it and not Trump? The point of the comparison is not saying Trump is right, but Obama is wrong too. Thus, if you didn't complain about Obama and now you're complaining about Trump, it makes you a HYPOCRITE. You didn't know that did you? Why not? Because you're a HYPOCRITE.


LOL. No, he's calling out the Republicans for their hypocrisy you goof.

Do you have memory issues? Remember how the right, especially Trump, went after Obama for golfing and taking the occasional vacation and traveling. Now Trump does these things far more often and it's all forgotten.


Don't waste your time with Sandman27. He apparently has some kind of learning disorder and is not capable of critical thought. He usually ends up embarrassing himself.


Wow! This learning disorder has given me superpowers of logic! Just kidding. It's just basic logic that anybody should be able to possess. Unfortunately, the logic is above your indoctrinated scripts. Oh well. Have fun hypocrite. 🤪


Who's complaining here on this board? Did he complain about Obama playing golf?

Anyway, why can't you Trump supporters come up with a better argument than "What about Obama?"

Nope. Thus, he's a hypocrite. Duuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......Stupid much?🤪


"Who's complaining here on this board? "

On this board? Obama hasn't been President for over two years. Does your memory extend that far, you dolt?

The right attacked Obama constantly, and now you're using Obama to justify Trump's much more frequent golfing and vacations.

You really can't recall them doing that? You can't grasp the hypocrisy?


You're not too smart, are you jacob? 🙄

Who cares if Obama hasn't been President for 2+ years. That's irrelevant. What is relevant was when HE WAS President. That's what is being compared to. If you bitch about one President, but give a pass to another President for the same thing that is called HYPOCRISY. Thus, robocat is a HYPOCRITE.

You're just stupid.🤪


You're making zero sense.

The issue is Trump saying he wouldn't golf if he was President because he'd be working too hard. THAT'S the criticism of Trump.

He does it FAR MORE than Obama ever did. It's not even comparable.

I'm stupid, but you can't grasp that simple reality?


Is that what the THREAD TITLE is? Move the goal posts much?

If I make zero sense, who knows how screwed up your brain patterns are in your own head.

Thank you for acknowledging your stupidity. 🤪


You're ignoring the first line of his post. It's not possible to fit entire posts in the titles, you know.

""I'm going to be working for you. I'm not going to have time to go play golf."

That's a Trump quote. Now compare that to what Trump has been DOING. What Trump said, what Trump is doing.

Go back and forth. Keep repeating this and maybe, as stupid as you are, the point might sink in.


So the THREAD TITLE is not the point? Like a book title is the the point of a book, but rather the first sentence? How stupid is that?

Why don't you go talk to robocat to see what he meant exactly. If he says it's his first sentence of his post, then he's an idiot. If it's the thread title, then you're an idiot. Let me know which one is correct.


Are you trolling? Are you really this moronic?

Of course the TITLE isn't the entire point of a book. There's a reason they go to the trouble of writing the fucking book and don't just leave it at the title.

Christ on a candlestick.

Anytime I find myself wondering how a Trump can get elected President all I have to do is come read this forum, and I'm reminded of who's out there in this country.


The title ISN'T the entire point of the book? Seriously? What's the point of a title of a book if isn't the point of the book? Pray tell?

The title is the point of the book and the text is the proof, the story of book, innit? How stupid are you?

You can feign Ignorance all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that you're still stupid. It only makes you both. Seriously, you need to shut up for your own sake, but pray continue dunce. Pray continue.🤪


Here's a title for you. "JFK". What's the point of it? Pro JFK? Anti JFK? Pro Conspiracy? Anti Conspiracy? What's it got to say about JFK, based only on the title.

Here's another.

Thick as a Brick.

What's the point of the song? Hint - a lot of the words could apply to you.

I'm done trying to explain the obvious to you.


It's a book about JFK. Duuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... By the way, if it's a good book, it would be NEITHER PRO OR CON. It would just present the facts. That's something called JOURNALISM. That's where writers do research and gather facts and those facts alone will tell a narrative on its own. Unlike you and your komrades.

Now do you get it? I mean you did acknowledge you're stupid, but I didn't know your this stupid. Stop backpedalling. It's only making you look even dumber than you already are.


God damned, you are stupid. Breathtakingly, awesomely so.

I think you must be putting us on. You can operate a computer well enough to post messages here. You can't well and truly be this dense. Or maybe you get help with that?

"about JfK" is not a point, fuckwit. It's a topic. a subject. All it tells you is that at some point JFK is most likely referred to in the book. It says nothing else.


How long are you going to backpedal? 🤪

Read the THREAD TITLE, dunce! Is the THREAD TITLE one word or ONE SENTENCE? Again, you can be Ignorant all you want, it doesn't change the fact that you're stupid and wrong.

Again, go back to robocat and ask him was his point the thread title or the first sentence. If he says it's the thread title, then you're an idiot. If he says it's the first sentence, then he's an idiot. Come back to me and let me know what he says. Okay? Either way, you're still stupid. Just fyi.


Backpedal, twit. Look up the definition. What I've done is the opposite of that.

So if a title is a sentence, the "point" has to be contained in that title, not in the content of the post/book/whatever? Maybe not so much if it's a shorter title?

You just make that rule up since your last post? Funny you didn't mention it earlier. Anyway, the title just told us how much Trump's frequent golf outings cost. He gave the reason for his criticism of trump in the post. The "point" of the post.

Please reply again. Your ignorance and stupidity has a certain grandeur. I can admire it the way I'd admire a natural wonder, like the Grand Canyon.


Why do you keep replying? Didn't you say you were done with this like two or three posts ago? Again, if only you idiots actually believe the chepooka you post.🤪

Have you asked robocat? What did he say? I don't see a response in your post. All I see is you feigning Ignorance again. I mean what else is new, right?

Oh, so you want me to reply so we can continue the conversation? So you didn't mean it when you said you were done with this, right? So how can anyone take anything you say at all? Stupid much? 😁


I'm done trying to explain to you the simple concept that a title of a post doesn't have to contain the point of that post.

I didn't write that I wouldn't reply to any of your posts ever again.


You said you were done a few posts above and yet HERE YOU ARE. Still! Is that my fault you didn't mean what you said?

It's good to stop since you're now backpedalling on the backpedal.🤪


Again, marveling at your stupidity or responding to a new, even dumber point you've tried to make is not "backpedaling".


Still posting? Didn't you JUST SAY you were done? How can anyone take you for your word? I can't, that's for sure.

You know you could have still "marveled at your stupidity" without replying. But then again you did acknowledge that you were stupid. 🤪



Yeah. Every time Obama went off for a weekend you're counting that as a "vacation".

Trump practically lives on the golf course. I guess if you count that as one long continuous vacation you could say he's taken fewer than Obama.



The fact is Trump is flying off on golf trips on a weekly basis. Lol.

That's the real world anyway. The Republican Bizarro world seems to be a different thing entirely.



Trump supporters really do live in a different reality than other Americans.


No president has worked harder.

Right. Trump is hard at work tweeting, watching TV and golfing. Trump supporters are getting desperate because they are realizing that Trump is a disaster as president and he won't be re-elected. That's why they post nonsense like this.


The mental gymnastics they'll go through to keep Trump on this pedestal are truly impressive.



Fucking sad, these millions of dollars of OUR money flushed down the Schitter could have fed people or something, something PRODUCTIVE. Pisses me off.

But you're not pissed off with Trump wasting millions of dollars by golfing every weekend. That makes you a hypocrite.




I won't argue with you about the economy because it is doing well despite Trump's meddling. But there is so much more to being the president than just the economy and Trump has failed miserably on just about everything else.



I don't feel like debating anymore. No point in even talking my side since I am a conservative and 99% of everyone on the internet is a far leftist.


I am not a leftist. Yes, there are a bunch of indoctrinated komrades following their indoctrinated scripts to a T. They will not deviate from their scripts. They are nothing more than NPCs following the Orange Man Bad narrative. I have not found a single one that has displayed INDEPENDENT THOUGHT.



We don't have a black Democrat as President and suddenly things like the cost of the President traveling and playing golf don't matter anymore.

Funny how that happened.


People in the left have been talking openly about killing Trump. As a joke, of course, but a very frequent joke, to say the least.

It's logical that expenses regarding security have increased.


Only in your fantasy world where you think jokes are more threatening than the real threats faced from racist right wing nut jobs that increased security expenditure for the first black president.


How quick they forget those days.....


Yes, there were right wing nut jobs who made threats against Obama. The difference with Trump is big names and celebrities with media followings are telling people to kill Trump. Much bigger of a stage vs. some hill billies in the sticks with 16 twitter/ instagram followers.


Trump has a doctor following around now.
He’s killing himself just fine.


He hasn't played as much as the last one we had . Just look at the facts instead of bashing
