
Grizz (13)


Trump Madam Secretary: View all posts >


It seems that the ones opposed to Trump won't do anything to help him instead they try to tear him down anyway they can. Has America degraded to this level when you disagree with some one instead of finding common ground we tear them down what has become of our country So true All I ask is for the American people to disregard the media an give this man a chance he might just surprise you He is no worse than the last one we had that everyone thought was so great an did nothing but take us down hill. Check the facts of the two an you will see the truths He is no worse than the last one we had that everyone thought was so great an did nothing but take us down hill. Check the facts of the two an you will see the truths He hasn't played as much as the last one we had . Just look at the facts instead of bashing Lol It can make you go blind Hello I live on a farm an I can tell you that pink eye can be bad it is very contacting so what ever you touch you can spread it go to doc an get meds an all will be fine . I caught it from a cow I dctored that has pink eye Ok is everyone so filled down by the modern world that you can't give a answer poor times we live in View all replies >