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Protesters in opposition of stay-home order gather at Michigan capitol (10:13 lawl...)

Anyone see this yet? Around 1000 or so vehicles surrounding the capitol blocking traffic and emergency vehicles that need to get by or through there. From the looks of it they seem to be Trump supporters judging by the signs/flags/etc. In before some of them get sick then blame it on a democrat QAnon-style.

Imo, let them do what they want. If they get infected en masse, put them at the end of the list of saving if hospitals gets overflowed with infected patients where some may need ventilators or whatnot and where doctors need to pick and choose who to save. I'm always for not telling people what to do but with the guidelines and warnings in place, punishment should be very severe if it causes a death or harms others.


I think this is sexism. Did any other states have this happen with a male governor? The people of Michigan are really giving this lady a hard time.

If the President didn't find her cooperative, well look at what she's up against.


What's so wrong with buying garden plants and seeds? How does preventing this sale save lives? How does keeping abortion clinics open save lives?


The stay at home orders were Trump's idea now he uses his political power to be so vindictive towards these governors.

If there's a problem, then why is he the only one who can say when we reopen?


Trump has no clue what he's doing outside of running for re-election.

I can already see the GOP wheels in motion trying to blame China for releasing the virus to hurt Trump in November.


He already said it's up to the governors when to re-open. And when did Trump said you can't by garden plants and seeds, pray tell?

There is no doubt that she's politicized the pandemic first by restricting the prescription of hydroxychloroquine and now she's not allowing people to buy plants and seeds??? However, they can still buy booze and get abortions. Why?


Are you sure that it was her who said you couldn't buy seeds and plants, or the store itself?


The articles that covered the story said stores are not allowed to sell seeds and garden plants to customers. Why would a store that sells plants and seeds not allow customers to buy them? The order came from Whitmer.


You know, there would be a link for this so why don't you provide one?



So could you please provide a link that has the governor prohibiting the sales of seeds or plants? Otherwise, that is libel.


How can you buy seeds and plants when the garden sections are closed per her instructions, pray tell?

Better yet, tell me how closing the gardening and painting sections saves lives, pray tell?



People can still buy seeds and plants. Do a little research


They can? How if the stores were ordered to shut down their gardening and painting sections?


Seriously. Look into it.

Some restrictions were placed on larger stores that customers could still buy them but through curbside delivery. The entire “protest” was bullsht


Answer me this. What was the point in shutting down the garden and painting sections in the first place?

We’re they really that crowded? Why are those sections shut down but not liquor stores? How are liquor stores essential? Why just the paint and garden sections and not the whole store? Seems kind of arbitrary to me?

Why is buying gardening supplies for landscaping and paint for home DIY projects so risky?


They should not call for medical help if they get sick. Why should first responders risk their lives for a bunch of morons?


Even if they all get infected, half will show no symptoms. Only 5% will get very ill.

Recent study in California shows the actual infection rate is 50-80 times official numbers! So death rate is that much less.


You're bringing up three entirely different points so I'll address each of them.

"Even if they all get infected, half will show no symptoms."

Don't confuse presymptomatic with asymptomatic. There is a period of up to two weeks in which a person carries the virus, is contagious but eventually gets symptoms. They are the majority (75%). People who remain asymptomatic are in the minority and tend to be under 14 (25%).
This is based on a small Chinese study. I would like to see ongoing research to see if it holds true in the U.S. especially since our virus is a different version.

"Only 5% will get very ill."
No. 5% will end up hospitalized. People not admitted are still becoming very seriously ill - can't breathe, too weak to stand, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.. Another thing is that some of these people are experiencing a sudden downturn and dying quickly in their homes. The lack of oxygen is stressing the heart and other organs and the central nervous system.

"... California shows the actual infection rate is 50-80 times official numbers!"

No, the study was limited to Santa Clara County and reported 2.5 to 4% infection rate which is too low for herd immunity (50%). The virus has different contagious rates in different regions throughout the country based on different factors like density, government response, time of infection, etc.

Another issue is that some people who had the virus and recovered are becoming sick again. I read a study saying some people are not getting enough antibodies after recovery to avoid recontagion. That's scary!

More research is needed. In the meantime, try to not get infected with it. Vaccine and/or treatments on the way!


I think I first heard this over a week ago, and I don't think I've heard anything since. This is a big freakin' deal... Too horrible to even think about... We just have to wait for the data.


I sympathize with people who are frustrated by these circumstances. These are rough seas especially for entrepreneurs trying to make it on tight margins.
But anyone who uses trump as a rallying point needs a reality check. I'd rather have the government comfort and reassure me than say we're SOL. trump will be the first to hop a plane to Puerto Rico (shit hole country, haha) if he thought it was safer than leading our own country out of a dark time. The guy is 50 shades of disgusting, inept and unqualified to be any kind of leader. I'm embarrassed to be American.
And eff you who mention Venezuela and Canada. This is my home and I will defend it as best I can.


WTF! They're not dressed in black throwing rocks and setting fires. This is not Antifa. They're supposed to be fighting fascism!


Idiots. The hell they got confederate flags for a pandemic protest?


Michigan's upper peninsula joined the CSA in 1866.


What is Whitmer doing that is more strict than, say, California or New York?


But that changed in Michigan with Whitmer's new executive order that not only extended the state's shelter-in-place mandate till the end of the month—something most everyone had expected and accepted—but added arguably the country's most draconian and nonsensical provisions.

Even as neighboring Indiana and Ohio are relaxing their orders and the federal Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency guidelines are classifying more industries as "essential" so that they can reopen and minimize the economic hit from the shutdown, Whitmore has gone the other way on the pretext that Michigan has the third-highest share of coronavirus cases in the country.

She ordered big box stores to stop selling paint, carpets, and other home-improvement material not considered essential, though as Reason's Billy Binion reported, she does allow lottery ticket sales, probably because the proceeds go to the state's K-12 funds.

She shut down lawn-care services. Contender's Tree and Lawn Specialist Inc., a company that purchased hundreds of thousands of dollars of fertilizer and other supplies had to stop spraying its plants in the middle of spring season, risking its entire crop. (Michigan's gardening industry, with an estimated retail value of $580 million to $700 million and 9,000 employees, faces a complete loss this year if it isn't able to operate soon.)

In addition to large gatherings, she also barred families that don't share a home from getting together, preventing one man from seeing his girlfriend of 14 years because she doesn't live with him.

She forbade families from traveling to their vacation cottages in northern Michigan, a popular springtime activity in Michigan. She shut down golf courses and prohibited motorized boats, although non-motorized ones are allowed, for some reason.

This is arbitrary and irrational micromanagement that has understandably irritated many residents.


What's more, Whitmer has decreed that violations will count as misdemeanors punishable by up to a $1,000 civil fine. Criminal penalties are also on the table, should prosecutors choose to pursue that. Meanwhile, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel has gone full China and is encouraging employees to rat out their bosses and call the police if they try to open up shop in violation of the lockdown.

What's so outrageous about all this is that the new businesses and activities that Whitmer is targeting can all be safely conducted while adhering to strict social distancing rules. But Whitmer's theory apparently is that anything beyond absolutely essential conduct jeopardizes frontline workers. This is the precautionary principle on steroids. It considers even an infinitesimal increase in secondary risk as unacceptable, a mindset that could justify stopping virtually any activity anytime.

That's why this order has disrupted the political equilibrium in support of her efforts. To date, hardly any legal challenges have been filed against any stay-at-home orders. But Whitmer's new order has already prompted four Michigan residents, including the guy who can't see his girlfriend, and Contender's, the landscaping company, to sue her for violating their right to free association and perpetrating an uncompensated regulatory taking. More lawsuits might well be underway.

Meanwhile, Operation Gridlock, which was mounted by the Michigan Conservative Coalition inviting motorists to drive to Lansing, the state's capital, and shut down its roads, elicited a massive response Wednesday. Thousands of Michigan residents heeded the call and created an hours-long traffic snarl.

Although the motorists adhered to the social distancing rules as they were advised, the protest also brought out a lot of nasty gun-toting thugs onto the streets. Michigan Proud Boys, a supremacist outfit, blocked the intersection around a hospital. Not only did they ignore safety guidelines, exposing themselves and others to the virus just when Michigan was beginning to flatten the curve, they also waved Confederate flags and chanted "lock her up."
