MovieChat Forums > Satan2016

Satan2016 (23490)


Barbarella & The Great Tyrant - Hello Pretty Pretty Ethan Hawke On O’Connor Biopic ‘Wildcat’: “I Don’t Know Who Cares About Literature Anymore … But I Know I Do” Crenshaw becomes latest Republican to hit Greene over Johnson ouster plan Nobody watched S2? Released last week Opens at #4 with $6m, below The Phantom Menace 25th anniversary! Carrie Fisher on why Star Wars was 'low-budget' Official Trailer | Disney+ ‘The Fall Guy’ Tripping To $28M Opening Official Trailer TV spot; $40M-$50M domestic OW View all posts >


Their preferred pronoun is She-Man and is attracted to pretty boys. Shermer publishes the ONLY Skeptic Magazine. How many years of university did it take you to get soooo stupid? Says the MC AI troll with no sense of humor. You don't have TDS, you are just retarded. Economy is doing fine. Ignore Fake News! Why throw away $100m box office? Only 50k views after 6 hours! Opens #3 after Fall Guy and Challengers. 3.) Star Wars The Phantom Menace (20th) 2,700 theaters, Fri $2.4M, 3-day $7.2M, Total lifetime $481.7M/Wk 1 re-release SATURDAY AM: Universal’s The Fall Guy isn’t so strong, and nobody is really shocked. While it was projected to do at least $30M, and it’s coming in at $28M, this is the range for original action comedies, even when they star Ryan Gosling. PostTrak exits report he’s 50% of the reason why people went to see the movie (versus 35% for Emily Blunt). The opening for Fall Guy is actually on the higher end of Gosling starts, ranked third after anomaly Barbie ($162M) and Blade Runner 2049 ($32.7M), yet further down on Blunt’s. Why is Fall Guy playing like a deflated balloon, even with a great A- CinemaScore and 90% positive on PostTrak? But in Fall Guy, despite how well it plays with audiences (SXSW crowds were belly laughing), there’s nothing that screams “rush to this,” despite Universal showing off the fun and the romance in its campaign. It’s too inside Hollywood, and these types of movies never play to an uber-wide crowd, despite how accessible the studio and filmmakers have tried to make it. “Why do young people want to see this movie?” challenges a film finance source. You've never met a girl, have you? Why was Wacko Jackson so popular? View all replies >