MovieChat Forums > J.K. Rowling Discussion > Do 'Militant Feminists' Like Her Care Th...

Do 'Militant Feminists' Like Her Care They're On the Same Side as Trump/the GOP?

Nasty, cruel, mean-spirited, prejudiced, RIGHT-WING people. Do they realise that they're part of a bandwagon that is currently harming and stigmatising very vulnerable people, driving many to self-harm and potentially suicide? Hopefully my FELLOW PROGRESSIVES recognise that this visceral HATRED and DEMONISATION of trans people should cast these MILITANT BIGOTS out of polite society entirely. And I'll be smiling from ear-to-ear when they are. 🙂✊


Anyone who disagrees is an agent of Trump, MAGA and anti-trans right-wing bigots. And THAT'S THAT! No ifs, no buts, NO EXCUSES. 😠


Off your meds? She's not militant, just common sense feminist. Woke feminists like are completely FAKE!


A lot of GC feminists regard themselves as the 'woke' ones. They're the ones who see all men as 'dangerous' and 'predatory'. Maybe you subscribe to that 'theory'. Maybe you *are* dangerous and predatory. I'm not, so, forgive me if I *don't* subscribe to their shitty generalisations and fear-mongering.


Is the orange man in the room with you now?


Sex is a spectrum, anyway. It's science.

Doesn't make sense to exclude women just because they happen to have certain organs or one chromosome is different than a lot of women's.

Telling certain women they aren't allowed in certain places or can't do some things because they were given a label they didn't ask for makes no sense. "Sorry, you can't play in this rugby league because you have a prostate!"

What kind of medieval thinking is this?


Please oh please tell me that you're just a troll and that you don't actually believe that.


No, I just am open to scientific progress.


SciAm no longer does science, it's Woke Bullshit!


Zarkoff--so laughably ludicrous, it must be a joke. No rational person could say "Sex is a spectrum, anyway. It's science" and not be joking.


It's a little different than what most of us were brought up to believe years ago, but that doesn't make it ludicrous. Actually, it's more like scientific fact these days.

Everything in biology is a spectrum. Of course it makes sense that sex should be as well!


Articdragon had a very respectful reply with some valid questions. I'm curious why you are choosing to ignore them?


I've seen many people bring up the "sex spectrum". But not a whole lot of them were able to follow through with it and defend successfully it. But maybe you're better than them?

How about we start by having you explain what is a woman. What exactly is "female"? What sets it apart from everything else on this "sex spectrum" of yours?

Most would disingenuously say "It's nuanced" or "It's complicated" or something like that, and then just end it there. What about you?


I'm still waiting for Zarkoff to answer my question (↑↑↑). So many trans activists say what he said, but none could properly defend it by answering my question.

Zarkoff is still active on this website, so unless he's an old user with a new name/account, there's no reason he should have me ignored, and no reason he didn't see my question.


They posted on here 4 hours ago. In typical liberal fashion, they are ignoring valid points that don't align with their agenda. Zarkoff is dodging you, plain and simple.


Sure looks like it. More than likely Zarkoff is the same person as Haslet, a poster from Politics with a now-deleted account. Exact same talking points:

Sex is on a spectrum
Because it's "current", "modern", "progressive"
It's "complex and nuanced", somebody else can explain it better than I can
I ignore all rebuttals


could be, but they get all their talking points from the same memes,so who knows,lol.


Sex is not a spectrum, and you seem to have no concept of what science is.

No one is trying to exclude women. They are trying to exclude men who are pretending to be women. This makes perfect sense.

The "certain women" you refer to are not women at all. They are men pretending to be women, and they have no business in women's sports. This does not mean they can't participate in sports. They can play against other men, which is where they belong.

Medieval thinking was far ahead of current society's ridiculous claimis when it came to comprehending what men and women were, and what they were not.


Hate speech has no place in the sciences.


What "hate speech"? And can you defend your science?




THis has to be parody.


Stop turning a blind eye to progress.


Listen Ricky Retardo, there's nothing scientific about calling a guy in a dress, a woman.


Scientific American is a very well respected publication.


SciAm no longer does science, according to Michael Shermer who used to have a long running column there.


Sad to see Shermer get so close minded as he's gotten older. It's an issue with old white men.

He's even refusing to accept current scientific thought.

Scientific American needs to stay current, of course, being a science focused publication.


Shermer publishes the ONLY Skeptic Magazine. How many years of university did it take you to get soooo stupid?


It's recognized as left leaning by independent research groups, so maybe it isn't respected by everyone, just the side you agree with, which means it isn't respected as a whole.


Guilt by association:

"A guilt by association fallacy occurs when someone connects an opponent to a demonized group of people or to a bad person in order to discredit his or her argument. The idea is that the person is “guilty” by simply being similar to this “bad” group and, therefore, should not be listened to about anything."


It's alt-right talking points, saying that one can't change one's sex!


Technically speaking, it's impossible to change your sex. I mean, a person can fake it pretty good, I've seen some really convincing trans people but if you're born male you will die male, if you're born female, you will die female. That's just scientific fact.

Now, that's not to say that people shouldn't be allowed to attempt a sex change, if that's what a person wants, so be it, I will leave it up to shrinks and other medical professionals to come up with treatments for people that "feel like" they were born in the wrong body.

Personally, I don't think science/medicine has really figured this one out yet. It wasn't that long ago when it was considered a mental problem to be trans. All of the sudden, over the last 10 or 15 years, it's become a fast growing anomaly, perhaps this is because of the advent of the internet and social media. Or maybe progressives have taken it a step further and feel the need to push this idea on to people.

Whatever the case may be, it's just a matter of time until they find another treatment for it. No one is really "born in the wrong body".


The reason it is Suddenly becoming a phenomenon is because when same sex marriage was legalized, the left shifted to pushing the next aberrant ideology onto their kids. Now their kids are grownup and screwed up.
