MovieChat Forums > PoolOfZenda

PoolOfZenda (44)


It clearly means much less to us than they think it does. Proof that the climate scare is a grift. Fake AF actress spews collectivist buzzwords in HRC speech. Looks like.... Stole every scene he was in... The Fourth Arm (1982) Callum - A Mary Sue. A fantastic hidden gem. View all posts >


Yeah I see that too. Looks a bit like Rachel Zegler. Hello from the future! Post Brexit, Trump, Covid and currently suffering through Peedo Biden and the NWO. If that is the most annoying character you have experienced then you really need to watch "Nuts in May". If CNN told me it was Monday, I'd assume it was Friday. There are a few poor episodes, but as a body of work it is great and I can forgive a few blips. Is the orange man in the room with you now? Yes, going by the Director's previous it will undoubtedly be aimed at a "modern audience". "modern audience" = Blue haired individuals with nose rings that never go to the cinema. The actor's name is Janez Vajevec who played Father Albini. Jay Leno in 1991 had dark hair. I have downloaded the same version. (3hrs 27mins). It is actually the 1hr 44mins version of the film encoded twice on the same file. I was expecting the baby to die and his sacrifices to be for nothing, or him to be involved in a fatal car crash. Hearing the baby was alive and well and Dad was coming was the perfect ending for me. View all replies >