MovieChat Forums > Sightseers (2013) Discussion > I can't help it, I've never encountered ...

I can't help it, I've never encountered a more annoying character...

Tine makes me want to die, literally. We get it, you have no backbone, and you've nevert experienced any sort of real love. Doesn't excuse the constant nagging and overall patheticness.
I know some won't agree, but did anyone else fine her unbearable?


While watching, I literally told my friend that Tina was my least favorite film character of all time, just so irritating, dependent and subtly psychotic. I was upset that at the end, only Chris died while I wanted only her to die.


No backbone? She kills everyone who crosses her, including the guy who got her into that.


I agree. I didn't particularly like the film or the character, but she does have plenty of back bone. No doubt about that!🐭


Hello from the future!

Post Brexit, Trump, Covid and currently suffering through Peedo Biden and the NWO.

If that is the most annoying character you have experienced then you really need to watch "Nuts in May".
